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 Advanced Search by Agency and FY was last updated on May 1, 2009..

Purchase Card data is based on the quarterly report as of March 2008 published on GSA SmartPay website.

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GSA SmartPay Program Statistics - Search by Agency and FY

Purchase Travel Fleet
Spend ($) Transactions Cardholders Spend ($) Transactions Cardholders Spend ($) Transactions Cardholders
October $1,809,929,479 1,951,122 277,221 $677,331,644 3,816,520 2,044,597 $171,117,799 2,454,473 660,926
November $1,397,164,557 1,761,302 275,161 $547,193,750 2,548,137 2,112,160 $178,032,705 2,400,972 434,208
December $1,342,635,625 1,711,586 277,221 $466,832,797 2,819,291 2,125,798 $167,694,519 2,158,168 634,644
January $1,451,983,794 1,967,790 276,800 $551,635,147 3,175,454 2,043,104 $191,405,851 2,488,580 682,134
February $1,505,216,430 2,012,263 274,807 $630,338,981 3,622,827 2,594,060 $191,791,221 2,504,294 691,692
March $1,647,426,305 2,225,305 283,630 $640,985,146 3,980,352 2,142,516 $195,667,063 2,323,991 691,249
April $1,655,271,060 2,223,515 276,692 $746,870,690 4,142,108 2,157,980 $214,275,074 2,436,979 678,032
May $1,583,744,488 2,220,184 274,659 $780,617,727 4,125,498 2,169,665 $249,678,585 2,376,449 675,977
June $1,659,095,592 2,253,945 270,819 $836,628,593 4,419,303 2,173,735 $226,901,056 2,446,771 670,297
July $1,745,523,293 2,280,010 274,801 $794,903,133 4,102,402 2,186,529 $231,668,593 2,459,347 666,773
August $1,864,988,093 2,405,940 359,574 $786,775,685 4,380,158 2,107,013 $229,021,050 2,471,800 664,081
September $2,185,962,400 2,471,201 362,730 $819,803,639 4,635,301 2,216,061 $220,512,254 2,481,067 665,752
Total Year $19,848,941,465 25,484,163 362,730 $8,279,917,278 45,767,351 2,216,061 $2,467,765,868 29,002,891 665,752


Source: GSA SmartPay website.