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 Advanced Search by Agency and FY was last updated on May 1, 2009..

Purchase Card data is based on the quarterly report as of March 2008 published on GSA SmartPay website.

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GSA SmartPay Program Statistics - Search by Agency

Purchase Travel Fleet
Spend ($) Transactions Cardholders Spend ($) Transactions Cardholders Spend ($) Transactions Cardholders
1999 $10,189,959,803 20,635,328 517,082 $4,394,217,160 31,611,098 0 $203,377,479 8,566,335 388,639
2000 $12,288,744,028 23,457,456 163,894 $4,754,345,304 36,794,233 2,542,814 $462,330,416 4,353,253 163,894
2001 $13,787,668,645 24,443,850 406,290 $5,389,469,499 39,186,809 2,209,070 $498,103,453 18,054,840 547,680
2002 $15,247,501,987 25,752,314 392,576 $6,554,640,310 46,231,613 2,146,714 $526,507,094 20,266,768 590,615
2003 $16,370,886,268 26,494,400 326,850 $6,259,662,160 39,219,973 1,832,384 $593,788,293 21,123,699 384,330
2004 $17,082,562,875 26,523,928 310,861 $6,787,427,445 39,505,789 1,904,334 $734,186,545 22,424,737 420,168
2005 $17,432,516,797 25,931,643 301,217 $6,511,377,066 42,795,011 1,922,222 $1,010,440,687 23,910,446 415,023
2006 $17,758,226,926 25,342,724 299,564 $6,986,312,287 40,911,355 2,030,558 $1,221,951,200 23,685,603 659,024
2007 $18,692,783,102 24,725,855 283,861 $7,174,685,293 42,135,030 2,026,770 $1,285,224,073 24,914,626 828,248
2008 $19,848,941,465 25,484,163 362,730 $8,279,917,278 45,767,351 2,216,061 $2,467,765,868 29,002,891 665,752
Total Years $158,699,791,896 248,791,661 3,364,925 $63,092,053,802 404,158,262 18,830,927 $9,003,675,108 196,303,198 5,063,373


Source: GSA SmartPay website.