BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Czech Republic Local time: 12:53 PM

International Partner Search

The International Partner Search (IPS) helps you find potential agents, distributors or other partners without even leaving the U.S. We will contact a large group of potential Czech partners using the marketing materials you provide, and then identify the companies that are interested and capable of becoming a viable representative for you in the Czech Republic. The IPS report on these companies includes:

  • Contact information and basic business profile of average of 10 - 15 Czech companies
  • Each company's opinion on the market for your product and/or service
  • The U.S. Commercial Service staff's opinion on the contacts's level of interest and overall suitability
  • Competition from local or third-country firms

Cost:          $1,400 (Discounted rate $550 is available for SMEs, $350 for New-to Export companies).
Delivery:   6 weeks

If you are interested in taking advantage of this service please fill in the questionnaire and send it to the email address above. Questionnaire (255KB)

What do our clients say.