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Fact Sheets

Bureau of International Labor Affairs (ILAB) Fact Sheet cover, click to view Fact Sheet

Bureau of International Labor Affairs (ILAB)

An overview of ILAB's responsibilities working with other U.S. government agencies and organizations worldwide.

Office of International Relations (OIR) Fact Sheet cover, click to view Fact Sheet

Office of International Relations (OIR)

Information about the Office of International Relations' role in working with the International Labor Organization (ILO), with other international organizations, and in providing technical and policy advice on international labor matters.

Office of Trade and Labor Affairs (OTLA) Fact Sheet cover, click to view Fact Sheet

Office of Trade and Labor Affairs (OTLA)

Information about how the Office of Trade and Labor Affairs provides information, expertise and technical assistance on the labor provisions of trade agreements and other trade-related matters.

Division of Trade Agreement Administration and Technical Cooperation (TAATC) Fact Sheet cover, click to view Fact Sheet

Division of Trade Agreement Administration and Technical Cooperation (TAATC)

Information about the responsibilities and activities of the Division of Trade Agreement Administration and Technical Cooperation.

Office of Child Labor, Forced Labor and Human Trafficking (OCFT) Fact Sheet cover, click to view Fact Sheet

Office of Child Labor, Forced Labor and Human Trafficking (OCFT)

Information about how the Office of Child Labor, Forced Labor, and Human Trafficking conducts research on child labor and trafficking issues; supports international technical cooperation initiatives to fight human trafficking, and carries out DOL's legislative activities related to trafficking in persons.

Fact Sheet cover, click to view Fact Sheet

Children Affected by Armed Conflict

Information about how the Office of Child Labor, Forced Labor and Human Trafficking helps to protect children from exploitation and offers them access to educational opportunities in countries experiencing armed conflict or in post-conflict situations.

USDOL Globally Addresses HIV/AIDS in the Workplace and for Orphans and Vulnerable Children Fact Sheet cover, click to view Fact Sheet

USDOL Globally Addresses HIV/AIDS in the Workplace and for Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Information about how the Bureau of International Labor Affairs is responding to the HIV/AIDS crisis with other U.S. government agencies and relief organizations.

Cooperation in the Western Hemisphere Fact Sheet cover, click to view Fact Sheet

Cooperation in the Western Hemisphere

Information about the Bureau of International Labor Affairs’ international cooperation and programs in the Western Hemisphere.


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