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Grand Teton National Park & John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Memorial Parkway
Restoring Fire Regimes

Fire has been a part of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem for thousands of years. Its presence is important for wildlife habitat, nutrient recycling, plant diversity, and overall landscape health. Fire managers at Grand Teton National Park seek to strike a balance between restoring and maintaining natural processes associated with fire, and protecting human life and property.

During the past century, fire was feared and suppressed. This led to a significant and unnatural buildup of live and dead trees, pine needles, shrubs, and grasses. Not only does this buildup create risks for developments near wildland areas, it poses a threat to the health of the forests. Fire naturally thins the forest, recycles nutrients into the soil, and stimulates new plant growth. Fire ecology research has shown that many plant and animal species benefit from the rejuvenating effects of fire.

Fire managers at Grand Teton National Park are guided by a comprehensive fire plan that allows the restoration of fire regimes through a full range of management tools. Natural fire, prescribed fire, fire effects monitoring, and hazard fuel reduction help restore natural processes while providing for firefighter and public safety. Fire managers work with wildlife biologists, vegetation ecologists, historic preservation specialists, and interagency cooperators to achieve common goals of enhanced habitat and improved ecosystem functions.

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Close-up of trumpeter swan head  

Did You Know?
Did you know that Grand Teton National Park is home to the largest bird in North America? The Trumpeter Swan weighs 20-30 pounds and lives in the valley year-round in quiet open water.

Last Updated: September 11, 2007 at 10:46 EST