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About EMAP

View the November 2000 slide presentation on EMAP given by EMAP Director Mike McDonald.

The Program

The Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP) is a research program to develop the tools necessary to monitor and assess the status and trends of national ecological resources (see EMAP Research Strategy). EMAP's goal is to develop the scientific understanding for translating environmental monitoring data from multiple spatial and temporal scales into assessments of ecological condition and forecasts of the future risks to the sustainability of our natural resources. EMAP's research supports the National Environmental Monitoring Initiative of the Committee on Environment and Natural Resources (CENR). Exit EPA

EMAP Objectives

EMAP objectives are to advance the science of ecological monitoring and ecological risk assessment, guide national monitoring with improved scientific understanding of ecosystem integrity and dynamics, and demonstrate the CENR framework through large regional projects. EMAP will develop and demonstrate indicators to monitor the condition of ecological resources, and investigate multi-tier designs that address the acquisition and analysis of multi-scale data including aggregation across tiers and natural resources.

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EMAP Components

As a result of peer reviews during its initial six years, EMAP has redefined its component structure. The Information Management and Working Group components provide infrastructure for EMAP to carry out its mission. The remaining components are parts of a national monitoring network that EMAP is developing. See the EMAP Components page for more information.

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Research Grants

EMAP funds academic research into ecological indicators and other topics through STAR grants.

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EMAP Contacts

Individuals directly involved with the management and implementation of the EMAP program as well as those providing support for and integration of EMAP activities have been organized into component working groups. Listings of group members are available from the EMAP Contacts page.

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Using the EMAP Web Site

EMAP technical staff have assembled a simple Web Site Guide to assist users in effectively and efficiently using the EMAP Web exhibit. This guide provides answers to common questions, useful suggestions and how to's, and pointers on where to obtain free software for accessing and viewing EMAP research products.

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Related Web Sites

EMAP managers are continuously accumulating links to other environmental web sites that might be of use to researchers. EMAP's Related Sites page presents the current listing of these links as well as information on how to submit a new site for consideration.

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