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Map Centered at 61°N, 152°W

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Map showing earthquakes
ANSS - Advanced National Seismic SystemPan NorthwestPan NorthPan NortheastPan EastPan SoutheastPan SouthPan SouthwestPan WestLocal Timezone TimesEvent ak10007458Event ak10007332Event ak10007300Event ak10007285Event ak10007213Event ak10007206Event ak10007201Event ak10007196Event ak10007146Event ak10007036Event ak10007004Event ak10006951Event ak10006940Event ak10006852Event ak10006815Event ak10006699Event ak10006932Event ak10006687Event ak10006560Event ak10006550Event ak10006526Event ak10006746Event ak10006479Event ak10006471Event ak10006468Event ak10006455Event ak10006707



  • Thin red lines are known hazardous faults and fault zones. White lines are roads.
  • To convert UTC to US time zones, see this list or this table.
  • Magnitude = ? for new earthquakes until a magnitude is determined.
  • Maps show events recorded in the last 7 days with M1+ within the United States and adjacent areas.
  • Maps are updated whenever a new earthquake has been located. Try to reload this page if you do not have the most current map.