BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Ukraine Local time: 02:05 AM

Our Programs and Services

Gold Key Matching Service
Cost: Please, click the link
Delivery: Minimum 4 weeks upon receipt of payment
CS Contact: Irina Trubnikova, e-mail:
The Gold Key Service (GKS) is a custom-tailored service that combines orientation briefings, market research, tailored appointments for visiting U.S. firms with potential Ukrainian partners, logistical support, interpreting services (if requested), and assistance in developing follow-up strategies. The CS Kiev GKS will normally include up to 4 business appointments on the 1st day plus a briefing at the CS Office, and up to 4 meetings on the 2nd day if requested. The client company must submit 15 sets of promotional brochures or flyers 3-4 weeks prior to the GKS date. CS Kiev staff will start preparing GKS meetings upon receipt of the credit card payment or check. CS Kiev will arrange for interpreting services, car rental and hotel reservations upon request, at the client's expense. The client may also request an escort by a CS Kiev Commercial Specialist.  In some cases CS Kiev may provide GKS in other cities of Ukraine if the local business infrastructure and weather conditions permit. In this case, CS Kiev's GKS fee will be adjusted to include travel and communication expenses incurred by CS staff in preparing the client's travel.

International Company Profile
Cost: Please, click the link
Delivery: Within 15 business days after receipt of payment
CS Contact: Irina Trubnikova,
To help U.S. companies evaluate the reputation and "bona fides" of a potential Ukrainian business partner, this service provides a detailed report after the company has been personally visited by a Commercial Specialist and/or Commercial Officer. Upon request, detailed questions will be asked of the overseas firm, beyond those in the standard questionnaire. The standard fee applies to companies located in or near Kiev. An additional fee will be charged to visit companies in other locations of Ukraine. If the client company request includes information that is not available through public sources and CS Kiev has to order this information from other sources, the service fee will be adjusted to include additional expenses incurred by CS Kiev.

International Partner Search
Cost: Please, click the link
Delivery: 20 days after receipt of payment and product materials
CS Contact: Ms. Irina Trubnikova,
The International Partner Search (IPS) assists U.S. firms in identifying interested and qualified overseas representatives, agents, or distributors for their services or products. Interested U.S. firms may order the IPS through a U.S. Export Assistance Center (USEAC) located in their city/state or directly from CS Kiev. After the client's application is reviewed for completeness, and upon receipt of payment and product materials, CS Kiev will conduct a customized search to select the most promising prospects for the U.S. firm. Based on search results, CS Kiev will directly contact the top prospects to review and discuss the U.S. firm's product lines and marketing objectives. A typical IPS report identifies up to five qualified, reputable and interested prospects. The report will include each prospect's contact information, company profile and history, prospect's opinion on the availability and capacity of the market for the client's products, the preferred language for correspondence, and CS Kiev Commercial Specialist's opinion on the contact's level of interest and qualifications. If IPS research shows that there is low/no interest in the market for the client's products/services, CS Kiev will report this to the client. IPS reports are prepared specifically for U.S. clients who order the report. The information contained in the reports is never revealed to other sources.

Single Company Promotion
Cost: Please, click the link
Delivery: Minimum six weeks advance notice required
CS Contact: Victoria Berchenko, e-mail:
Services can range from a promotional or technical presentation event to conferences, seminars, press conferences, lunches, cocktail receptions, and dinners, organized at elegant and prestigious venues in Kiev. Single Company Promotions offer individual businesses or groups of companies an opportunity to present their products or services to a tailored audience of Ukrainian clients. A promotional event would normally include an introduction by an official U.S. Government representative (i.e. U.S. Ambassador or U.S. Commercial Attache) followed by a detailed company presentation and Q and A session. If the subject service requires temporary import of equipment samples, the requesting company will assume responsibility for customs clearance and transportation logistics and costs. In this case a minimum three months advance notice will be required.

Business Facilitation Services
Cost: Please, click the link
Delivery: Flexible
CS Contact: Victoria Berchenko, e-mail:
These services include the following:
Direct mail-out of promotional materials:  U.S. participant company will get: - A one-time mail-out of a U.S. company's product catalogs accompanied by an introductory letter from the American Embassy U.S. Commercial Service (prepared in the local language) to regional Chambers of Commerce, trade and industry associations requesting to match the U.S. company with Ukrainian companies interested in or able to distribute American products. + A one-year product literature reference exposure at the U.S. Commercial Service Kiev Business Information Center frequented by Ukrainian businesspeople and professionals; + A one-year company profile display translated in the local language and hosted on the American Embassy U.S. Commercial Service Kiev Webpage ( see on website in Russian for all NIS countries.
Product Literature Center (PLC) program: CS Kiev will display U.S. company product literature at specific major local trade shows, collect leads and send them directly to U.S. companies. This service is a low-cost but effective and easy way for your company to evaluate market potential, gain exposure and explore business opportunities.  A complete listing of local trade shows with CS Kiev-organized U.S. Product Literature Centers is avaliable at
Miscellaneous Business Facilitation Services: These services include photocopying of promotional materials, preparing contact lists of local service providers or industry directories (including a directory of U.S. business contacts in Ukraine), and other assistance as requested. The cost of these services varies depending on the complexity of work and time spent.
Customized Contact List:
CS Kiev offers you its extensive database of Ukrainian firms to create a Customized Contact List of up to ten companies which may qualify to be your agents, distributors or business partners. This service does not include evaluating company interest in your products or contacting them on your behalf. The list is provided within 10 working days of receiving your request and payment. 

Video Market Briefing
Cost: Please, click the link
Delivery: 15 days after receiving the client's questions from the USEAC
CS Contact: Irina Trubbnikova, e-mail:
The Video Market Briefing generates custom market information for U.S. clients to help them properly identify and evaluate key dynamics of a specific market, prior to formal entry. An important objective of the Video Market Briefing is to help clients identify and understand the opportunities and challenges of the market. The types of market intelligence provided by a Video Market Briefing may include key competitors, regulatory issues, local distribution channels, and local business practices. This service at CS Kiev is restricted to the BEST PROSPECTS INDUSTRY SECTORS only. For the list of these sectors and other market research, please refer to the Ukraine Country Commercial Guide available at Note: All calls will be placed from Commercial Service domestic USEACs and must be paid by credit card to the participating USEAC. Clients requesting a Video Market Briefing will also receive a written report prepared by a CS Kiev Commercial Specialist.

Business Service Providers
Cost: Please, click the link                           
Delivery: Within 5 business days after receipt of payment.  Description: A one-year company profile display translated in the local language and hosted at the American Embassy U.S. Commercial Service webpage for Ukrainian customers in the "Offers from American Companies" chapter. + A one-year product literature reference exposure at the American Embassy U.S. Commercial Service Kiev Business Information Center frequented by Ukrainian businesspeople and industry professionals.
For more information, send email to ,

FUSE - BuyUSA Featured U.S. Exporters
Cost: Please, click the link
Delivery: Within 5 business days after receipt of payment.  Description: Featured U.S. Exporters (FUSE) is a directory of U.S. products that appears on CS Ukraine's local Ukrainian Website and the BISNIS Russian Language Website. It is designed for U.S. companies looking for business partners in Ukraine and throughout the NIS. This service enables clients to post a Ukrainian and Russian language listing of their products and relevant links. Each listing contains the company name, the product/service description, market objectives, image, a link to the company's website and the CS Kiev contact specialist's e-mail address.  SPECIAL OFFER: Clients who order a Gold Key, IPS, or any other fee-based service receive a free FUSE listing!
For more information, send email to

Commercial News USA
Cost Free of charge
Description This magazine is designed to assist importers around the world in their efforts to find the American products or services they would like to buy. If you are an importer interested in doing business with an American company in any way: as a direct buyer, sales representative agent, dealer, distributor, licensee, joint-venture partner, or other strategic alliance, the Commercial News USA magazine will help you find what you need.
For more information, send email to .

Video Gold Key Matching Service
Cost: Please, click the link
Delivery: 4 weeks advance planning is required
CS Contact: Irina Trubbnikova, e-mail:
The Video Gold Key service allows clients to conduct interviews with prospective business partners prior to visiting a country. The service also allows companies to obtain feedback regarding the market for their products and, as a result, to use their time in country more efficiently and effectively. The Video Gold Key is not intended to be a substitute for a country visit, but may represent a solution for client companies unable to visit a market at a particular time. Clients requesting a Video Gold Key will receive: - services identical to the Commercial Service's existing Gold Key service, with the addition of an in-country videoconference; - up to four high-quality appointments with companies that meet the profile provided by the U.S. client; and - videoconference appointments that will be scheduled at the convenience of all parties, and may be scheduled over more than one day. Each appointment will be for one hour unless otherwise requested by the client. The U.S. Commercial Service assures that: Commercial Service international posts will apply the same diligence in selecting appointments that is applied in our regular Gold Key service; will assure that video appointments proceed as scheduled; and will assure that the videotechnology used delivers a quality picture and audio. Clients will be requested to pre-pay for four video appointments. In the event that fewer appointments are arranged or take place, the client will receive credit for one or more follow-up videoconferences, depending on the number of appointments that took place. For example, if only three appointments take place, the client will have credit for an additional appointment or one-hour follow-up meeting.