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Alliance Program Construction Roundtable
Design for Safety Workgroup Meeting Archive

September 18, 2008

Representatives from the following Alliances participated in the Joint Design for Safety and Fall Protection Workgroup Meeting:
  • American Industrial Hygiene Association
  • American Society of Safety Engineers
  • Concrete Sawing and Drilling Association
  • Independent Electrical Contractors, Inc.
  • Laborers’ Health and Safety Fund of North America
  • National Association of Home Builders
  • National Construction Safety Executives
  • National Fire Protection Association
  • National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
  • National Safety Council
  • Sealant Waterproofing and Restoration Institute
  • Scaffolding Industry Association
During the meeting, the group discussed common construction-related interests and further refined the promising project ideas developed at the January 2008 Alliance Program Construction Roundtable. The group received updates on the “Design for Construction Safety 2-4 Hour Course," Design for Construction Safety Web Site, and the OSHA 10-Hour Outreach Training Program for Design Engineers. The group also reviewed and provided feedback on the draft “Prevention of Fall Fatalities and Injuries in Construction" slide presentation, received an update on the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health's (NIOSH) Prevention Through Design (PtD) initiative, and discussed a White Paper on a proposed national public awareness outreach campaign focusing on fatalities in the construction industry. In addition, the group formed two new subgroups. The first subgroup will focus on strains/sprains and material handling. The second subgroup will develop case studies and success stories related to design for safety and falls in construction industry. OSHA will work with the group to identify a date for the next OSHA Alliance Program Construction Roundtable Joint Design for Safety and Fall Protection and Workgroup meeting in March 2009.

April 22, 2008

Representatives from the following Alliances participated in the Joint Design for Safety and Fall Protection Workgroup Meeting:
  • American Industrial Hygiene Association
  • American Road and Transportation Builders Association
  • American Society of Safety Engineers
  • Association of Equipment Manufacturers
  • Concrete Sawing and Drilling Association
  • Construction Institute – American Society of Civil Engineers
  • Independent Electrical Contractors, Inc.
  • Laborers' Health and Safety Fund of North America
  • National Association of Home Builders
  • National Safety Council
  • Roadway Work Zone Safety and Health Partners Alliance
  • Sealant Waterproofing and Restoration Institute
During the meeting, the group discussed a number of initiatives, including enhancing the fall protection slide presentation with a design for safety component and information on residential falls. The group also began working on an outline for a new "Design for Fall Prevention and Protection" slide presentation focusing on the top 10 most frequented falls. The presentation, targeted to designers and business owners, would include information on making the business case for safety and health and construction-related fatalities, the reason or problem that caused the fall, and recommended design changes or solutions to help prevent the fall. In addition, the group discussed a potential national awareness outreach campaign focusing on fatalities in the construction industry targeted to the public, employees, general contractors with a special emphasis on business owners and designers. OSHA provided an update on other national outreach campaigns, including OSHA's Teen Summer Job Safety Campaign and 2008 North American Occupational Safety and Health (NAOSH) Week. OSHA also reported that the Alliance Program Construction Roundtable Design for Safety Workgroup formed a Subgroup that is developing an OSHA 10-Hour Outreach Training Program for Design Engineers. The Subgroup has completed a draft outline for the training course. It will meet on May 20, 2008 at OSHA's Training Institute in Arlington Heights, Illinois to discuss the course curriculum; including a 90-minute module focusing on design for safety. According to OSHA, the Subgroup will work to finalize the course outline by May 31, 2008 and draft the training program's curriculum for the Design for Safety Workgroup's review by December 2008. ASSE provided an update on the delivery of the "Design for Construction Safety 2-4 Hour Course," including Kentucky's Second Annual Conference on Construction Safety on January 16, 2008 in Lexington, Kentucky; the ASSE St. Louis Chapter Professional Development Conference (PDC) on March 7, 2008 in St. Louis, Missouri; and ASSE's June 2008 PDC in Las Vegas, Nevada. OSHA will work with the group to identify a date for the next Fall Protection Workgroup meeting in July 2008.

September 18, 2007

Representatives from the following Alliances are participating in the Design for Safety Workgroup:
  • American Society of Safety Engineers
  • Concrete Sawing and Drilling Association
  • Construction Institute – American Society of Civil Engineers
  • Laborers Health and Safety Fund of North America
  • National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
  • Washington Division of URS International (Formerly Washington Group International)
During the meeting, the workgroup identified different venues for presenting the "Fall Hazard Awareness for the Construction Industry" training course and determining ways it can be promoted and distributed through OSHA and by the Alliance Program and its participants. The workgroup also discussed promotion and distribution of the Toolbox Talks for Ladders that address issues such as "Do's and Don'ts of Using a Ladder", "Choosing the Right Ladder" and "Set-Up and Use of a Ladder." Lastly, the workgroup is updating the "Fall Protection" slide presentation that was developed by Valcourt Building Services; a member of the Sealant Waterproofing and Restoration Institute.

February 21, 2007

Representatives from the following Alliances are participating in the Design for Safety Workgroup:
  • American Society of Safety Engineers
  • Construction Institute – American Society of Civil Engineers
  • Independent Electrical Contractors
  • National Electrical Contractors Association
  • National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
  • Washington Division of URS Corporation (formerly Washington Group International)
During the meeting, the Workgroup reported that the Design for Construction Safety slide presentation was delivered at the numerous events, including at the Construction Safety Conference on February 14, 2007 in Chicago, Illinois. In addition, the Design for Construction Safety Workshop proposal was accepted for presentation at the 2007 OSHA Consultation Program (OSHCON) Annual Conference scheduled for April 10-13, 2007 in Newport, Rhode Island. The Workgroup agreed to review the presentation and share any additional comments on the information during the next Workgroup meeting. Mike Toole reported that CI-ASCE is also continually updating the Design for Construction Safety Web site which includes the latest version of the Design for Construction Safety slide presentation. According to the NIOSH representatives, the Institute has scheduled a Prevention Through Design Workshop for July 9-11, 2007 at the Washington Hilton in Washington, DC. Through the Workshop, NIOSH hopes to raise awareness of design for safety materials that have been developed by industry and government agencies. The Workshop's second day will include breakout sessions by industry sector, including construction, and NIOSH will invite the Workgroup's members to participate. In addition, the Workgroup finalized the WGI case study, "Washington Group International Designs and Builds a Mixed-Waste Treatment Facility" that will be posted on OSHA's Web site. CI-ASCE also agreed to provide the Workgroup with a copy of the revised 10-Hour Construction Outreach Training Program for Engineers for the groups' review and comment. Lastly, the Workgroup completed the 2-4 Hour Design for Safety Training Course and it will be distributed to ASSE's Chapters and the Alliance Program Construction Roundtable participants and posted on the Design for Construction Safety Web site. The Workgroup suggested that the course be presented during the following organizations' conferences and annual meetings in 2008: AIHA, AIA, ASSE and NSC.

October 24, 2006

Representatives from the following Alliances are participating in the Design for Safety Workgroup:
  • American Society of Safety Engineers
  • Construction Institute – American Society of Civil Engineers
  • Independent Electrical Contractors
  • Laborers Health and Safety Fund of North America
  • Mason Contractors Association of America
  • National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
  • Washington Group International
The Workgroup discussed the events where the Design for Construction Safety slide presentation was delivered. The Workgroup identified different venues for presenting the 2-4 Hour Design for Safety Training Course and determined ways it can be promoted and distributed, through OSHA along with the Alliance Program and its participants. The group reviewed the revised draft OSHA 10-Hour Outreach Training Program for Engineers. Finally, the Workgroup agreed to work with NIOSH in order to develop an agenda and identify speakers for NIOSH's July 2007 workshop titled, "Prevention Through Design."

May 17, 2006

Representatives from the following Alliances are participating in the Design for Safety Workgroup:
  • American Society of Safety Engineers
  • Construction Institute – American Society of Civil Engineers
  • Independent Electrical Contractors
  • Mason Contractors Association of America
  • National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
  • Sealant, Waterproofing and Restoration Institute
  • Washington Group International
The group reviewed the draft OSHA Business Case Safety and Health Topics page. The Workgroup also reviewed the revisions to the draft 2-4 Hour Design for Safety Training Course based on the recommendations from the April 18, 2006 Workgroup meeting. The group reviewed the draft of the OSHA 10-Hour Outreach Training Program for Engineers and Mike Toole, CI-ASCE agreed to complete the draft outline by September 2006. Finally, the Workgroup agreed that it would beneficial to develop a general article about Design for Safety that can be distributed through the Workgroup's publications and Web sites. The group will brainstorm on topics, e.g. fall protection, to include in the general article at its next meeting

April 18, 2006

Representatives from the following Alliances are participating in the Design for Safety Workgroup:
  • Construction Institute-American Society of Civil Engineers
  • Mason Contractors Association of America
  • Independent Electrical Contractors
  • National Fire Protection Association
  • American Society of Safety Engineers
  • Laborers Health and Safety Fund of North America (Roadway Workzone Coalition)
  • Sealant Waterproofing and Restoration Institute
  • Washington Group International
The Workgroup was informed that the "Design for Safety" Workshop proposals have been accepted by the Voluntary Protection Programs Participants Association for a presentation at its 2006 Annual Conference, August 28 – 31 in Orlando, FL and the National Safety Council for a presentation at the National Safety Council's 2006 National Safety Congress and Expo, November 3 – 10 in San Diego, CA.. The group reviewed the draft OSHA Business Case Safety and Health Topics page and Mike Toole, CI-ASCE volunteered to serve on the page's editorial board. Also, the group was informed that the first draft of the Washington Group International case study was developed after the company reviewed and approved the outline. The Workgroup agreed to make revisions to the draft 2-4 Hour Design for Safety Training Course based on presentations that provided information on the National Fire Protection Association and American National Standards Institute electrical building codes and standards. Finally, the Workgroup reviewed the draft the OSHA 10-Hour Outreach Training Program for Engineers and agreed to further discuss the topics in the training program at its next meeting.

January 31, 2006

Representatives from the following Alliances are participating in the Design for Safety Workgroup:
  • Construction Management Association of America
  • Construction Institute-American Society of Civil Engineers
  • Washington Group International
  • Laborers Health and Safety Fund of North America (Roadway Workzone Coalition)
  • American Society of Safety Engineers
  • Sealant, Waterproofing and Restoration Institute
  • Mason Contractors Association of America
  • Independent Electrical Contractors
The Workgroup was updated on new electronic assistance tools on OSHA's Web page including the Spanish language version of the OSHA Construction: Preventing Fatalities eTool and the new construction module of the Compliance Assistance Quick Start. Mike Toole, CI-ASCE agreed to continue work on the Design for Construction Web page and the Design for Safety PowerPoint® presentation and encouraged members of the Workgroup to review the tools and provide him with additional information including industry specific pictures. The group was informed that the draft Washington Group International case study outline has been developed. The Workgroup was informed that OSHA has submitted Design for Safety Workshop proposals to the American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) for a presentation, which was accepted, at the 2006 ASSE Professional Development Conference, the Voluntary Protection Programs Participants Association (VPPPA) for a presentation at the VPPPA Annual Conference and to the National Safety Council for a presentation at the 2006 National Safety Congress. The workgroup reviewed the draft 2-4 hour Design for Safety training course. IEC and MCAA representatives volunteered to present information on building and electrical codes at the Workgroup's next meeting, in order to be considered added to the draft course. The workgroup agreed to base the draft OSHA 10-Hour Outreach Training Program for Engineers on material that is included in the 2-4 Hour Design for Safety Training course. NIOSH representatives updated the group on the NIOSH National Occupational Research Agenda's Research Partnership for Safer Healthier Workplaces.

October 11, 2005

Representatives from the following Alliances are participating in the Design for Safety Workgroup:
  • Construction Institute-American Society of Civil Engineers
  • Washington Group International
  • Laborers Health and Safety Fund of North America (Roadway Workzone Coalition)
  • American Society of Safety Engineers
  • Gilbane Building Company
  • Sealant, Waterproofing and Restoration Institute
The workgroup reviewed the latest version of the Design for Safety PowerPoint®, which included comments and revisions provided by OSHA, for review and discussion. The group made suggestions for revising the presentation which will be incorporated into the final version. In addition, the workgroup discussed the different ways to disseminate, promote, and pilot the Design for Safety PowerPoint® presentation such as workshops and presentations at the 2006 ASSE Conference, the Voluntary Protection Programs Participants Association (VPPPA) Annual Conference and the annual National Safety Congress and Exposition. The group reviewed the draft outline of the Washington Group case study project and was informed that OSHA will be seeking volunteers to assist with the OSHA Business Case Safety and Health Topics page's development in early 2006. Finally, the workgroup agreed that it should continue its activities and develop new projects, including a 2-4 hour Design for Safety training course based on the Design for Safety PowerPoint® presentation and an OSHA 10 Hour Outreach Training Program for engineers.

July 19, 2005

Representatives from the following Alliances are participating in the Design for Safety Workgroup:
  • American Society of Safety Engineers
  • Independent Electrical Contractors
  • Laborers' Health and Safety Fund of North America (Roadway Workzone Coalition)
  • Construction Institute - American Society of Civil Engineers
  • Washington Group
  • Construction Management Association of America
  • Sealant Waterproofing and Restoration Institute
  • ADSC: International Association of Foundation Drilling
  • Mason Contractors Association of America
The workgroup reviewed the latest version of the Design for Safety PowerPoint®, which included comments and revisions provided by OSHA, for review and discussion. The group made suggestions for revising the presentation which will be incorporated into the next version. In addition, the workgroup discussed the different ways to disseminate, promote, and pilot the Design for Safety PowerPoint® presentation such as workshops and presentations at the 2006 ASSE Conference and the annual National Safety Congress and Exposition. Kate Becker, a new member of the Office of Outreach Services and Alliances staff, was introduced as the lead on the Washington Group case study project. Ms. Becker informed the workgroup that she has started collecting information to include in the study. The workgroup reviewed the draft Design for Construction Safety Web page and provided comments. Finally, the workgroup discussed goals for the upcoming year which included identifying and developing additional tools or processes to promote the incorporation of designing for safety into construction projects.

May 3, 2005

Representatives from the following Alliances are participating in the Design for Safety Workgroup:
  • Belfor USA
  • Construction Institute-American Society of Civil Engineers
  • Construction Management Association of America
  • American Society of Safety Engineers
  • National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
  • ADSC: International Association of Foundation Drilling
  • Independent Electrical Contractors
  • Laborers Health and Safety Fund of North America
  • Sealant, Waterproofing and Restoration Institute
  • '
The workgroup reviewed and provided comments on the list of safe and unsafe practices conducted by designers and engineers; reviewed and provided comments on a draft PowerPoint® presentation on "Design for Safety;" reviewed and provided comments on draft outline for "Design for Safety" Web page and received an update on the status of the Washington Group International case study. During the meeting, the group decided to put the project of creating a database of safe and unsafe practices on hold due to a lack of information.

February 1, 2005

Representatives from the following Alliances are participating in the Design for Safety Workgroup:
  • American Society of Safety Engineers
  • Independent Electrical Contractors
  • Laborers' Health and Safety Fund of North America (Roadway Workzone Coalition)
  • Construction Institute - American Society of Civil Engineers
  • Washington Group
  • Construction Management Association of America
  • Sealant Waterproofing and Restoration Institute
  • ADSC: International Association of Foundation Drilling
  • Mason Contractors Association of America
The workgroup identified several projects to work on developing before the next group meeting. This includes:
  • Obtain list of safe and unsafe practices performed by engineers and create general database;
  • Draft ideas on how to include "Design for Safety" in the OSHA 10-Hour Construction Course;
  • General PowerPoint® presentation on "Design for Safety" that can be used for presentations at annual meetings and conferences;
  • Case study on "Designing for Safety" through the OSHA-Washington Group Alliance;
  • Draft outline for "Design for Safety" Web page
October 20, 2004

Representatives from the following Alliances are participating in the Design for Safety Workgroup:
  • American Society of Safety Engineers
  • Independent Electrical Contractors
  • Laborers' Health and Safety Fund of North America (Roadway Workzone Coalition)
  • Construction Institute - American Society of Civil Engineers
  • Washington Group
  • Construction Management Association of America
  • Sealant Waterproofing and Restoration Institute
  • ADSC: International Association of Foundation Drilling
  • Mason Contractors Association of America
The group agreed that products need to be developed in order to provide education/awareness to the public about the benefits of "Design for Safety." Some examples of products discussed included presentations, web pages and case studies. Members of the group volunteered to develop articles on the "Design-for Safety" topic for industry publications and to develop an OSHA 10-Hour Training Course designed for engineers, project managers and architects.
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Page last updated: 11/21/2008