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Occupational Safety and Health Administration and the
The Dow Chemical Company (Dow)
May 19, 2005

I. Alliance Background

Date Signed

January 13, 2003

Date Renewed

May 26, 2004

Evaluation Period

January 13, 2004 – January 12, 2005


The OSHA and The Dow Chemical Company Alliance focuses on using OSHA's and Dow's collective expertise to further enhance a culture of prevention while sharing proven practices and technical knowledge in the areas of, but not limited to, process safety management (PSM) and ergonomics.

Implementation Team Members

Mark Briggs
Cathy Cronin
Kevin Cummins
Bob Curtis
Lee Anne Jillings
Mike Marshall
Kim Ngyuen
David O'Connor
Lisa Ramber
Beth Sherfy
Jennifer Silk
Region VI
Office of Training and Education
Salt Lake Technical Center (SLTC)
Office of Outreach Services and Alliances (OOSA)
Directorate of Enforcement Programs
Directorate of Standards and Guidance (DSG)

*January 14, 2004, to August 31, 2004.
John Dizor
Bart Gliatta
George King
Tim Overton
Mark Spence

II. Implementation Team Meetings

May 6, 2004
August 12, 2004
December 8, 2004
Implementation Team Meeting
Implementation Team Meeting
Implementation Team Meeting

III. Results
  1. Events and Products

    Outreach and Communication Goals

    • Develop and disseminate information on effective elements of safety and health programs at conferences, events, or through print and electronic media.

    Ammonia Refrigeration eTool

    Representatives from the OSHA and Dow Alliance worked with representatives from the American Meat Institute, another Alliance Program participant, to develop OSHA's Ammonia Refrigeration eTool, which was launched in July 2004. The following representatives from Dow serve as members of the editorial board for the eTool:
    • Randy Estep, The Dow Chemical Company; Houston, TX
    • Don Jones, The Dow Chemical Company; Plaquemine, LA
    • Mark Spence, The Dow Chemical Company, Midland, MI
    OSHA's Safety and Health Topic Pages

    The OSHA Chemical Reactivity Hazards Safety and Health Topics page is maintained as a product of the Alliances between OSHA and The Dow Chemical Company and the Reactives Alliance signatories. Kenan Stevick represents the Dow Chemical Company as a member of the editorial board for the Topics page.

    Additionally, representatives of the OSHA-Dow Alliance serve on the editorial boards of the following OSHA Safety and Health Topics pages:
    • Ammonia Refrigeration Safety and Health Topics page
      - Don Jones, The Dow Chemical Company
    • Isocyanates Safety and Health Topics page
      - John Cikalo, The Dow Chemical Company
      - Mark Spence, The Dow Chemical Company
    • Process Safety Management Safety and Health Topics page
      - George King, The Dow Chemical Company
    OSHA and Dow's Alliance Web Page on the OSHA Web Site

    The OSHA and Dow Alliance Web page on the OSHA Web site includes links to the Alliance agreement and related documents, activities and events, milestones and successes, and products of the Alliance such as the Ammonia Refrigeration eTool and the ergonomics case study entitled, "The Dow Chemical Company's Use of the 'Six Sigma' Methodology." For more information on the number of visits to the OSHA and Dow Alliance Web page, please see the Alliance Program Reach table on page 7.

    Print and Electronic Media

    Articles on the OSHA and Dow Alliance, and products developed through it, have appeared in a number of print and online publications, including:, BNA Occupational Safety and Health Reporter, Facilities Management News, Occupational Health and Safety E-News, and OSHA's press releases, QuickTakes and Alliance Quarterly Review. For more information on the articles, please see the Alliance Program Reach table on page 7.
    • Gain a better understanding of the diversity of methods and processes for addressing health and safety challenges in the workplace. Develop ways for communicating effective approaches, including cross-training, job aids, and usability studies.

    Process Safety Management Workshop

    Building on the success of a PSM seminar, "OSHA's Process Safety Management (PSM) Standard: The Dow Approach," hosted by the OSHA and Dow Alliance in September 2003 at the OSHA Training Institute in Arlington Heights, Illinois for Region V staff, the Alliance held a second PSM workshop on October 13-14, 2004. The OSHA and Dow Alliance presented the workshop at the Dow Chemical Company's Louisiana Operations, Plaquemine, Louisiana. The workshop was attended by 16 OSHA staff from OSHA's Regions IV and VI and North Carolina Department of Labor, an OSHA state plan state. It covered how Dow addresses and implements the OSHA's PSM standard in its workplaces and included time for attendees to tour Dow's Plaquemine, Louisiana facility.
    • Provide OSHA with opportunities, where appropriate and agreeable to both parties, to experience hands-on information sharing in Dow's facilities to "test run" ideas and to gain a better understanding for real world impact and applications.

      During this evaluation period, no products or resources have been developed to meet this Alliance goal.
    Promoting the National Dialogue on Workplace Safety and Health Goals

    • Encourage Dow worksites, and personnel to act as industry liaisons and resources for OSHA's cooperative programs and Compliance Assistance Specialists.

      During this evaluation period, no products or resources were developed to meet this Alliance goal.

    • Seek opportunities to participate in stakeholder groups and other forums for providing input into the development of safety and health standards and guidance for the chemical industry.

      During this evaluation period, no products or resources were developed to meet this Alliance goal.

    • Identify and enhance methods and processes to evaluate the effectiveness of the Alliance and to encourage the continuous improvement of workplace health and safety practices and communication.

      During this evaluation period, no products or resources were developed to meet this Alliance goal.

    • Share information on proven practices of Dow worksites with others in industry through outreach directly by Dow and also through OSHA.
    Ergonomics Case Study: "The Dow Chemical Company's Use of the 'Six Sigma' Methodology"

    Through the Alliance Program, Dow worked with OSHA to develop an ergonomics case study, "The Dow Chemical Company's Use of the 'Six Sigma' Methodology," which was published on May 26, 2005. The ergonomics case study discusses how Dow has applied the "Six Sigma" management system strategy to identify and implement ergonomics solutions. ("Six Sigma" is a process-oriented approach to problem solving that emphasizes a four-step improvement methodology of measure, analyze, improve and control). The ergonomics case study is available on the OSHA and Dow Alliance Web page of OSHA's Web site. Two motor vehicle safety case studies are in development.
    • Work together to develop new approaches and practices to address health and safety risks.

      During this evaluation period, no products or resources have been developed to meet this Alliance goal.

    • Share data supporting the solutions to ergonomic hazards developed by Dow, as well as examples of hazard recognition strategies and analytical tools with OSHA and others in the industry to encourage wide implementation. Promote their implementation through print and/or electronic media, promotion at conferences, or other means of reaching out to others in industry.

    AAOS Ergonomics Meeting, Washington, DC, May 14, 2004

    Karen Kerns, Senior Industrial Hygienist, Global Industrial Hygiene Expertise Center, The Dow Chemical Company, attended a meeting May 14, 2004, in Washington, DC, which was hosted by the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS), an Alliance Program participant. AAOS invited OSHA staff and Alliance Program participants to discuss their recent ergonomic projects and activities. Ms. Kerns made a presentation to Alliance Program participants, including AAOS, the Graphics Arts Coalition (GAC) and the American Society of Safety Engineers, on a new workplace quantitative ergonomics risk assessment tool.

  2. Executive Summary

    OSHA and Dow have worked together through the Alliance Program during the past year to further enhance a culture of prevention while sharing proven practices and technical knowledge in the areas of, but not limited to, PSM and ergonomics.

    Following a successful first year, OSHA and Dow renewed their Alliance for two years on May 26, 2004. On the same date, OSHA launched an ergonomics case study developed by the OSHA and Dow Alliance implementation team. The case study, "The Dow Chemical Company's Use of the 'Six Sigma' Methodology," discusses how Dow has applied the "Six Sigma" management system strategy to identify and implement ergonomics solutions. The ergonomics case study is available on the OSHA and Dow Alliance Web page of OSHA's Web site as well as the Agency's Ergonomics Safety and Health Topics page and Compliance Assistance Web page. The Alliance implementation team is working on two additional case studies on fleet safety and site motor vehicle safety. The fleet safety case study describes Dow's efforts to work with its motor carrier contractors to enhance safety through a behavior-based safety program. The site motor vehicle safety case study describes Dow's approach to reducing motor vehicle accidents by its employees, either driving to client sites or on site at Dow facilities.

    During the past year, the Dow Alliance implementation team has also contributed to the development of OSHA's compliance assistance products. Representatives from the OSHA-Dow Alliance worked collaboratively with representatives from the American Meat Institute, another Alliance Program participate, to develop OSHA's Ammonia Refrigeration eTool. The eTool, which was launched in July 2004, includes information on receiving and storage, emergency response, and general safety as well as a plant safety self-inspection checklist. Dow Alliance members also worked with representatives from the Reactives Alliance to develop the Chemical Reactivity Hazards Safety and Health Topics page, which was launched in December 2004. Dow representatives continued to serve on the editorial boards of a number of OSHA Safety and Health Topics pages, including Isocyanates and PSM,

    Building on the success of a PSM seminar, "OSHA's Process Safety Management (PSM) Standard: The Dow Approach," hosted by the OSHA and Dow Alliance in September 2003 at the OSHA Training Institute in Arlington Heights, Illinois for Region V staff, the Alliance held a second PSM workshop on October 13-14, 2004. The second seminar was held at the Dow Chemical Company's Louisiana Operations, Plaquemine, Louisiana. The workshop was attended by 16 OSHA staff from OSHA's Regions IV and VI and North Carolina Department of Labor, a state plan state. It covered how Dow addresses and implements the OSHA's PSM standard in its workplaces and included a tour of Dow's Plaquemine, Louisiana, facility. Speakers at the seminar included the following Dow representatives: Don Jones, Regulatory Affairs Department; George King, Senior Technology Associate; Tim Overton, Chief Process Safety Engineer; and Sheila Van Geffen, Process Safety Technology Leader.

    During the Alliance's second year, representatives from Dow identified opportunities to share ergonomics information with other Alliance Program participants. Karen Kerns, Senior Industrial Hygienist, Global Industrial Hygiene Expertise Center, The Dow Chemical Company, attended a meeting May 14, 2004, in Washington, DC, which was hosted by the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS), an Alliance Program participant. AAOS invited OSHA staff and Alliance Program participants to discuss their recent ergonomic projects and activities. Ms. Kerns made a presentation to Alliance Program participants, including AAOS, the Graphics Arts Coalition and the American Society of Safety Engineers, on a new workplace quantitative ergonomics risk assessment tool.

    The OSHA and Dow Alliance implementation team developed several resources with information about the Alliance, ergonomics, PSM and other safety and health resources. The OSHA and Dow Alliance Web page on the OSHA Web site features links to related documents, activities and events, and milestones and successes. It includes links to several products of the Dow and OSHA Alliance such as the Ammonia Refrigeration eTool, the Chemical Reactivity Hazards Safety and Health Topics page, and the ergonomics case study, "The Dow Chemical Company's Use of the 'Six Sigma' Methodology."

  3. Alliance Program Reach
    Type of Activity (Conference, Training, Print and Electronic Distribution, etc.) Number of Individuals Reached or Trained
    OSHA and Dow Alliance Webpage on the OSHA Web site 4,649
    Ammonia Refrigeration eTool 9,000
    Safety and Health Topics pages' editorial boards:
    • Ammonia Refrigeration
    • Chemical Reactive Hazards (developed as a product of the Alliance Program together with the Reactives Alliance)
    • Isocyanates
    • PSM
    Data Not Available
    May 14, 2004 – AAOS Ergonomics Seminar, Washington, DC

    • Karen Kerns, Senior Industrial Hygienist, Global Industrial Hygiene Expertise Center, The Dow Chemical Company
    May 26, 2004 – "The Dow Chemical Company Renews Alliance with OSHA," OSHA News Release 25 News Services
    May 26, 2004 – Published Ergonomics Case Study, "The Dow Chemical Company's Use of the 'Six Sigma' Methodology," on OSHA's Ergonomics Safety and Health Topics page Data Not Available
    May 26, 2004 – "The Dow Chemical Company Renews Alliance with OSHA; Process Safety Management, Ergonomics Remain Areas of Concentration," 150,000
    May, 27, 2004 – "Dow Chemical renews alliance with OSHA," 55,000
    May 27, 2004 – "DOW renews Alliance with OSHA for Process Safety, Ergonomics," Data Not Available
    June 3, 2004 – "OSHA Renews Alliance with Dow Chemical," BNA Occupational Safety and Health Reporter Data Not Available
    June 2004 – "Dow Chemical Renews Alliance with OSHA," Data Not Available
    July 15, 2004 – "OSHA Debuts Electronic Assistance Tool on Ammonia Refrigeration," OSHA News Release 25 News Services
    July 15, 2004 – "OSHA Debuts Electronic Assistance Tool on Ammonia Refrigeration; eTool a Product of Alliances with Dow Chemical, American Meat Inst.," 150,000
    July 19, 2004 – "New eTool Offers Safety Information on Ammonia Refrigeration Systems," Occupational Health and Safety E-News Data Not Available
    August 4, 2004 – "OSHA Publishes Safety Measures for Ammonia Refrigeration Systems," Facilities Management News Data Not Available
    September 2004 – "OSHA e-Tool Focuses on Ammonia Refrigeration," NSC – OSHA Up to Date Data Not Available
    October 13-14, 2004 – "OSHA's Process Safety Management (PSM) Standard: The Dow Approach," Plaquemine, Louisiana

    • Don Jones, Regulatory Affairs Department, The Dow Chemical Company
    • George King, Senior Technology Associate, The Dow Chemical Company
    • Tim Overton, Chief Process Safety Engineer, The Dow Chemical Company
    • Sheila Van Geffen, Process Safety Technology Leader, The Dow Chemical Company
    October 2004 – "OSHA e-Tool Focuses on Ammonia Refrigeration," National Safety Council (NSC) - Today's Supervisor - News Briefs Data Not Available
    December 9, 2004 – "OSHA Debuts Safety and Health Page on Chemical Reactivity Hazards," OSHA News Release 25 News Services
    December 10, 2004 – "OSHA Unveils Resource on Chemical Reactivity Hazards," Business and Legal Reports, Data Not Available
    December 10, 2004 – "OSHA Debuts New Webpage on Chemical Reactivity Hazards," WM Environmental Insights Data Not Available
    December 16, 2004 – "Web Page on Chemical Reactivity Hazards Promoted," BNA Occupational Safety and Health Reporter Data Not Available
    December 16, 2004 – "Hazmat Tool: OSHA Chemical Reactivity Web," Fire Chief Data Not Available
    December 20, 2004 – "OSHA Launches Chemical Reactivity Web Site," Monday Morning Data Not Available
    January 2005 – "OSHA Debuts New Webpage on Chemical Reactivity Hazards," Environmental Health and Safety EHSDirect Data Not Available
    January 2005 – "OSHA Debuts New Webpage on Chemical Reactivity Hazards," Labor-Management Construction Safety Alliance Data Not Available
    TOTAL 368,690
IV. Upcoming Milestones

Through the Alliance, OSHA and Dow will continue to enhance a culture of prevention while sharing proven practices and technical knowledge in the areas of, but not limited to, PSM and ergonomics. The Alliance implementation team has identified a number of projects for the upcoming year.

Representatives from Dow will attend the OSHA Alliance Program Hazard Communication Roundtable, which is scheduled for February 15, 2005. The Roundtable will give Alliance Program participants an opportunity to learn about the status of OSHA's Hazard Communication Initiative; share information about their own Alliances, including any activities related to Hazard Communication; and learn about what other Alliances are doing to address Hazard Communication issues. The Roundtable also will enable Alliance Program participants to establish workgroups and identify projects they can work on together to develop Hazard Communication-related compliance assistance resources.

Dow has agreed to discuss the ergonomic products, activities and successes of its Alliance with OSHA at the National Safety Congress in Orlando, Florida on September 22, 2005. Dow will participate in a panel discussion entitled, "Successes of OSHA's Ergonomic Alliances," with representatives from OSHA and other Alliance Program participants, including the Graphic Arts Coalition, and the National Telecommunications Safety Panel.

Dow has also agreed to host another PSM seminar for OSHA staff. The members of the Alliance implementation team are working to identify a site that would afford attendees the opportunity to tour one of Dow's facilities as part of the programs. A possible location has been identified in Region III.

The OSHA and Dow Alliance implementation team will complete and post two case studies that address motor vehicle safety issues to OSHA's Web site. One case study addresses fleet safety and the other addresses site motor vehicle safety.

Dow representatives will continue to provide technical expertise and serve on the editorial boards of the Ammonia Refrigeration eTool, and the Ammonia Refrigeration, Chemical Reactivity Hazards, Isocyanates and PSM Safety and Health Topics pages. In addition, Dow will provide review and provide comments on relevant draft OSHA publications.

Report prepared by: Elizabeth Sherfy, Alliance Coordinator, Office of Outreach Services and Alliances, May 19, 2005.
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