U.S. International Transactions Accounts Data

Table 8a. Transactions in Long-term Securities

p Preliminary.
0 Transactions are possible, but are zero for a given period.
(*) Transactions are less than $500,000(±).
D Suppressed to avoid disclosure of individual companies.
n.a. Transactions are possible, but data are not available.
..... Not applicable, or for data periods 1960-1997, transactions that are 0, “not available,” or “not applicable.”
Quarterly estimates are not annualized and are expressed at quarterly rates.
1 Beginning with 2005, source data for new issue estimates are no longer separately available. New issues continue to be included in net purchases.
2 Bahamas, Bermuda, British West Indies (Cayman Islands), and Netherlands Antilles.

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Last updated: Tuesday, June 17, 2008