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American Red Cross
American Red Cross/Central Illinois Chapter
Peoria Area Office
January 10, 2006

I. Alliance Background

Date Signed

December 22, 2004


Alliance was formed to provide local businesses with information, guidance, and access to training resources that will help them protect employees’ health and safety particularly in reducing and preventing exposure to fall, amputation, ergonomic, chemical, electrical and other physical hazards and addressing implementation of effective safety and health program issues.

Implementation Team Members

Brian Bothast, CAS (in 2004) and Diane Welton, Director of Training, American Red Cross, Central Illinois Chapter

II. Implementation Team Meetings

Brian Bothast has had two meetings with the American Red Cross Conference Committee, in preparation for their local chapter conference. The new CAS, Peggy Zweber, has requested a meeting with Ms. Welton to plan for the new year (2006).

III. Activities and Products

Evaluation Period.

December 22, 2004 to December 22, 2005

Alliance Activity.

Ms. Welton and Mr. Bothast had planned to have three sessions: general industry, construction and service industry, with their trainers and OSHA to inform those groups about developing good safety and health programs and the hazards related to their industry, in addition to Red Cross training on first aid, CPR/AED training. Although flyers on the courses were sent out, the response was minimal and therefore, the courses did not occur. However, Mr. Bothast did get involved in the planning committee for the local chapter’s conference which will occur January 12, 2006. He will speak on ergonomics and there will be an OSHA booth. Ms. Zweber has a planning meeting for 2006 with Ms. Welton this month.

Ms. Zweber sits on the Homeland Security Region 10 (HSR10) committee with members of the American Red Cross, from this local chapter and others. It is a Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) for 6 counties. The recently revamp LEPC went from 3 to 6 counties just in the last year and is currently revamping its mission statement and goals. Each year, tabletop and formalized drills occurred in which OSHA has been evaluator. The CAS attends and contributes to monthly meetings.

Alliance Products.

See Above. Planned activity did not occur due to lack of response to Red Cross mailings. The one activity still being planned, the conference, did not occur in this reporting period.

IV. Results

This Alliance will be improved within the next year, as the new CAS will keep quarterly meetings with the Director of Training for the local chapter on track. Due to the changes in the local Area Office, the transition, with this particular Alliance, is still occurring.

Type of Activity (Conference, Training, Print and Electronic Distribution, etc.) Number of Individuals
Reached or Trained
See above  

IV. Upcoming Milestones

The local chapter conference is occurring this month.

The new CAS plans to meet with the Director of Training this month to set plans for 2006, among them, meeting regularly to see how resources can best be used.

Report Prepared by: Peggy Zweber, Compliance Assistance Specialist, OSHA Peoria Area Office

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