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May 14, 2008

I. Alliance Background

This alliance was renewed on April 15, 2005.

Alliance Overview: The alliance was formed to promote safe and healthful working conditions for immigrant workers in general and Hispanic/Latino workers in particular.

Implementation Team Members:

Kimberly Stille, Area Director and Leslie Ptak, Compliance Assistance Specialist, OSHA
Patrick Hickey, Director of the Interfaith Coalition for Worker Justice

Evaluation Period: The evaluation period is from August 7, 2007 to May 14, 2008

Implementation Team Meetings

No implementation team meetings were held in the 12 month reporting period.

Activities and Products

The Alliance's primary product is the training of ICWJ service advocates in OSHA's mission and capabilities; these advocates communicate regularly with OSHA's customers, Latino workers in the Dane County area. The ICWJ conducts regular trainings of its volunteer service advocates and the Madison compliance assistance specialist has always been invited to present on OSHA's program and our desire to reach out to the Latino work force.

IV. Results

The ICWJ continues to be an effective hub of information about workplace rights in the Dane County area and the Madison area office has successfully leveraged the Alliance to get information to employees about their OSHA workplace rights. Our working relationship with the ICWJ has resulted in other working relationships with many Latino community leaders and social service providers which is useful in our office's overall outreach to these workers. In the evaluation period, the Madison OSHA office was able to attend and present at the ICWJ's single service provider training session held in the past twelve months.
It was decided that the alliance will not be renewed. The Madison OSHA office feels confident that it can maintain its ongoing, effective relationship with the ICWJ without a formal written agreement.

Report Prepared by: Leslie Ptak, Compliance Assistance Specialist

For more information, contact the Office of Outreach Services and Alliances at 202-693-2340 or go to the OSHA website.

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Page last updated: 06/05/2008