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OCTOBER 30, 2007

I. Alliance Background

Date Signed:

August 31, 2006


The area of concentration during this alliance would be those workers who may be exposed to anhydrous ammonia hazards in certain settings, especially those workplaces utilizing ammonia as a refrigerant.

Implementation Team Members

James Drew, Wisconsin Division or Public Health’s Bureau of Environmental and Occupational Health
Kimberly Stille, Madison Area Director
George Yoksas, Milwaukee Area Director
Leslie Ptak, Madison Compliance Assistance Specialist

II. Implementation Team Meetings

July 28, 2006, conference call between implementation team members

III. Activities and Products

Evaluation Period.

This report covers the period of August 31, 2006 to August 24, 2007.

Alliance Activity.

The alliance members sponsored an Ammonia Awareness Day, which was April 25, 2007. The intent of the Ammonia Awareness Day was to interact with employers who use anhydrous ammonia to give them information about the dangers of working with and around anhydrous ammonia in the workplace, and by so doing, reduce the incidence of uncontrolled anhydrous ammonia events and their associated adverse health effects.

Ammonia Awareness Day consisted of informational emails from the Wisconsin Division or Public Health’s Bureau of Environmental and Occupational Health to employers in Wisconsin who are known users of anhydrous ammonia. The emails directed recipients to an informational web site, set up just for Ammonia Awareness Day. Recipients were also mailed an explanatory Ammonia Awareness Day cover letter, hard copies of an anhydrous ammonia brochure, a hard copy of a six-question evaluation questionnaire, and a postage-paid return envelope. The purpose of the questionnaire was to have recipients rate the effectiveness of the Ammonia Awareness Day informational campaign.

Alliance Products.

A brochure describing the kinds of anhydrous ammonia releases in Wisconsin, and their effects on communities, was developed.

A report about the Ammonia Awareness Day project was written by the Wisconsin Division or Public Health’s Bureau of Environmental and Occupational Health.

The State of Wisconsin developed a web site of information about anhydrous ammonia releases in Wisconsin that any employer can use to learn more about preventing such releases.

IV. Results

The alliance resulted in state of the art information being distributed to known users of anyhydrous ammonia. The evaluation report indicated that the information was well received by the recipients.

Type of Activity (Conference, Training, Print and Electronic Distribution, etc.) Number of Individuals
Reached or Trained
Brochure 150
Web site 500 plus
Ammonia Awareness Day 38 establishments
TOTAL 1000

Report Prepared by: Leslie Ptak, Compliance Assistance Specialist, Madison, WI.

For more information, contact the Office of Outreach Services and Alliances at 202-693-2340 or go to
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Page last updated: 12/27/2007