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East Region

More than 2,900 gangs with approximately 73,650 members are criminally active in the East Region, according to NDTS 2008 data and interviews with local law enforcement officials. (See Figure 6.) Also according to NDTS data, the percentage of state and local law enforcement agencies in the East Region that reported gang activity in their jurisdictions increased from 37 percent in 2004 to 57 percent in 2008. The most significant gangs operating in the East Region are Crips, Latin Kings, MS 13, Ă‘eta, and UBN.7 (See Appendix B.)

Figure 6. East Region gang membership by county.

Map of the East Region broken down by state and county, showing reported number of gang members in each county.

Gang-related trends:

Predictive NGIC/NDIC intelligence:

End Notes

7. United Blood Nation (UBN) is a loose confederation of street gangs that formed in the Rikers Island Jail in New York City in 1993 and spread throughout the East Coast of the United States. It is one of the largest street gangs that follow the Bloods gang culture.
8. Trinitarios (meaning the Trinity or Special One) street gang was formed as a protection gang for Dominican inmates in New York prisons during the early 1990s. Upon leaving prison, members banded together as a street gang, calling themselves Trinitarians/Trinitarios to separate the gang from other Dominican street gangs in New York. Trinitarios members are establishing a reputation for extreme violence throughout the area.

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