DAILY DIGESTVol. 13, No. 246 December 30, 1994 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWS RELEASES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FCC FILINGS [Internet file name: nrmc4007.txt] FCC CALENDAR OF EVENTS [Internet file name: evts4002.txt] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUBLIC NOTICES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TARIFF TRANSMITTAL PUBLIC REFERENCE LOG: December 29 PLEADING CYCLE ESTABLISHED FOR COMMENTS ON US WEST'S PETITION FOR WAIVER OF RULES TO PROVIDE 555 ACCESS SERVICE - Comments are due January 25; replies February 9 - Contact: Peggy Reitzel at (202) 418-1579 [DA 94-1498] EX PARTE PRESENTATIONS AND POST-REPLY COMMENT PERIOD FILINGS IN NON-RESTRICTED PROCEEDINGS - Contact: Barbara Lowe at (202) 632- 4178 Report 16078 - BROADCAST APPLICATIONS Report 22056 - BROADCAST ACTIONS Report D-780 - COMMON CARRIER BUREAU DOMESTIC FACILITIES APPLICATIONS Report D-780-A - COMMON CARRIER BUREAU DOMESTIC FACILITIES Report 1776 - WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU: December 19 thru December 23 Report 2049 - PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION AND CLARIFICATION OF ACTIONS IN RULEMAKING PROCEEDINGS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXTS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CABLE ORDER. Denied, in part, complaints against NewChannels Corporation, Syracuse, NY, about the price it was charging for cable programming service. (By MO&O [DA 94-1592] adopted December 23 by the Chief, Cable Services Bureau) CABLE ORDERS. Issued two (2) orders involving petitions for reconsideration/revocation of certifications to regulate basic cable service rates and associated equipment file by the following cable entities: C-Tec Cable Systems of Michigan, Inc. [DA 94-1620]; Cablevision Industries [DA 94-1619]. (By MO&O's [DA 94-1619 and 1620] adopted December 29 by the Chief, Cable Services Bureau) NATIONAL EXCHANGE CARRIER ASSOCIATION (NECA). Suspended, for one day, NECA's Tariff F.C.C. No. 5 - Transmittal No. 642 to increase its Universal Service Fund monthly charge and instituted an investigation into the lawfulness of those revisions. (CC Docket 93-123 by MO&O Suspending Rates and Designating Issues for Investigation [DA 94-1614] adopted December 29 by the Deputy Chief, Tariff Division, Common Carrier Bureau) TELECOMMUNICATIONS RELAY SERVICES/AMERICAN WITH DISABILITIES ACT OF 1990. Approved proposed TRS payment formula for the 1995 calendar year, and the fund size estimate for the period April 1995 through March 1996 as submitted in the annual report filed by the National Exchange Carrier Association, Inc. (CC Docket 90-571 by Order [DA 94-1610] adopted December 28 by the Chief, Common Carrier Bureau) (over) UNITED AND CENTRAL TELEPHONE COMPANIES. Denied petition filed by MCI Telecommunications Corporation to reject United and Central Telephone Companies Tariff F.C.C No. 1 - Transmittal No. 22 proposing to modify tariff language to eliminate disparities in the application of DS3 high capacity rates; restructure rate elements; and reconcile rate levels in specific territories. (By Order [DA 94-1617] adopted December 29 by the Deputy Chief, Tariff Division, Common Carrier Bureau) %*%*%*%*%*%*% ADDENDA: The following items, released December 29, were not listed on Digest 245: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUBLIC NOTICES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CABLE SERVICES BUREAU ANNOUNCES OPTIONAL PROCEDURES WITH RESPECT TO PENDING PRE- MAY 15 BENCHMARK CASES - Contact: Jeffrey Steinberg or Eli Johnson at (202) 416-0800 [DA 94-1556] PACIFIC BELL TO SUPPLEMENT INFORMATION FILED IN CONNECTION WITH SECTION 214 VIDEO DIALTONE APPLICATIONS (FILE NOS. W-P-C-6913, W-P-C-6914, W-P-C-6915, AND W-P-C-6916) - Comments are due January 20, 1995 [DA 94-1615] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXTS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CABLE ORDER. Denied, in part, complaint filed against Meredith Quad Cities Cable System of Anoka, MN, regarding its charges for cable programming service tiers in its Quad City Cable System. (By MO&O [DA 94-1588] adopted December 23 by the Chief, Cable Services Bureau) C-TEC CABLE SYSTEMS. Granted two local franchising authorities permission to withdraw complaints against C- Tec Cable Systems alleging that the prices for cable programming service tier services were unreasonably high; terminated review of the resulting rate justification filings. (By Order [DA 94-1586] adopted December 23 by the Chief, Cable Services Bureau) BELL ATLANTIC TELEPHONE COMPANIES, ET AL. Suspended, for one day, Bell Atlantic Telephone Companies Tariff F.C.C. No. 1 and NYNEX Telephone Companies Tariff F.C.C. No. 328, to increase rates for interstate access; instituted an investigation into the lawfulness of the tariff revisions. (By MO&O [DA 94-1613] adopted December 28 by the Chief, Common Carrier Bureau) GTE TELEPHONE OPERATING COMPANIES. Teminated investigation of GTE's below band transport rates initiated by the Common Carrier Bureau in the 1992 Annual Access Order. (CC Docket 92-141 by MO&O [FCC 94-349] adopted December 23 by the Commission) OPEN NETWORK ARCHITECTURE. Denied petitions for reconsideration filed by the Ameritech Operating Companies, MCI Telecommunications Corporation, and Williams Telecommunications Group, Inc. challenging the Commission's order revising the cost support standards applicable to new services as defined by the Commission's price cap rules. (CC Docket Nos. 89-79 and 87-313 by MO&O on Third Further Reconsideration [FCC 94-348] adopted December 23 by the Commission) FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING STANDARDS. Ordered all subject carriers not to adopt Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 116, "Accounting for Contributions Received and Contributions Made," for federal accounting purposes. (By Order [DA 94-1616] adopted December 29 by the Chief, Common Carrier Bureau) OPERATOR SERVICE ACCESS AND PAY TELEPHONE COMPENSATION. Granted AT&T's request for waiver of rules regarding interstate access code call compensation , effective January 1, 1995. (CC Docket 91-35 by MO&O [DA 94-1612] adopted December 28 by the Chief, Common Carrier Bureau) -FCC-