NOAA Logo NCDC / Products & Publications / Specialized Products / Online Data


General Information

These Specialized Products can be provided on digital media or as paper copy (unless otherwise indicated). There are charges involved for these services. Please call 828-271-4800 or email for further information.

Cooperative Station Extremes Tabulation: This tabulation shows daily and monthly extremes for the entire period of record (generally 1948 to present) for U.S. cooperative and National Weather Service sites. There are currently over 8000 of these stations active. The elements included are maximum/minimum temperature, precipitation, and snowfall.

Wind Rose Summary: This summary provides a statistical summary of wind speed vs wind direction for any station (U.S. or foreign) reporting adequate observational data. Data are tabulated in incremental 'bins' such as 0-3 miles per hour, 4-7 miles per hour, etc.

Mixing Height Summary: This summary provides a day by day estimate of the mixing height for the boundary layer by using surface and upper air observational data. It's often used for pollution and air dispersion models.

Stability Array: This provides month by month averages of surface-based stability in Pasquill stability categories. Hourly or synoptic surface observations are used as input.

Comparative Climatic Data: This product contains climatological normals and averages for 270 NWS offices, in ASCII data files.

Summary of Day Data for U.S. and Foreign Sites: This historical summary of day data can be produced from any station reporting synoptic and/or hourly observational data. The format is the same as the on-line global summary of day data. It includes the following elements for each day available:

    Mean temperature
    Mean dew point
    Mean sea level pressure
    Mean station pressure
    Mean visibility
    Mean wind speed
    Maximum sustained wind speed
    Maximum wind gust
    Maximum temperature
    Minimum temperature
    Precipitation amount
    Snow depth
    Indicators for occurrence of:
      Tornado/Funnel Cloud

NOAA Logo NCDC / Products & Publications / Specialized Products / Online Data
Downloaded Thursday, 14-May-2009 10:15:27 EDT
Last Updated Wednesday, 20-Aug-2008 12:09:39 EDT by
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