Department of Commerce Homepage

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

NESDIS/NCDC International Hazard Support Capabilities

NOAA Homepage
Global Historical Climate Network Monthly Temperature and Precipitation Global Summary of Day Data (eg-max wind speed, max/min temps, precip, snow depth, etc) DMSP SSM/I Products (surface wetness, snow cover, temperature) NNDC Climate Data Online (spatial, temporal selection of in-situ data)
Extreme Weather and Climate Events Climate Monitoring Reports and Analyses Global Hazards and Extremes Monthly Climate in Historical Perspective
Hurricanes in Historical Perspective Extreme Precipitation Events Temperature Extremes and Drought Tornadoes in Historical Perspective
Worldwide Weather and Climate Events  Billion Dollar U.S. Weather Disasters Global Climate Change Historical El Nino / La Nina Information
Historical Global Temperature and Precipitation Extremes U.S. Storm Events  U.S. Historical Radar Composite Maps Satellite Historical Images/Movies of Significant Events
NCDC Technical Reports On-Line Land Based Data Get / View On-Line Satellite Data Get / View On-Line Radar Data
NCDC Product and Services Guide POES Satellite Data and Products GOES Satellite Data and Products Integrated Global Radiosonde Archive (upper air data)
Global ISH (integrated surface hourly) data -- includes winds, temps, precip, snow depth, etc Global Marine Data -- includes winds, temps, wave heights, etc NEXRAD Level II and Level III Radar Data  NCDC CD-ROM Products 
NCDC Dataset List  NCDC Key Digital Datasets