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Airline Industry and the National Safety Council
International Air Transport Section

January 20, 2004

  1. Alliance Background

    Date Signed

    November 12, 2002

Signatories of the Alliance:
Air Canada
Airtran Airways
Alaska Airlines
American Airlines
American Trans Air
America West Airlines
Continental Airlines
Delta Air Lines
Jetblue Airways
Midwest Express Airlines
Southwest Airlines
United Airlines
U.S. Airways
National Safety Council, International Air Transportation Section

The Airline Industry Alliance addresses ergonomic issues associated with the handling of passenger checked baggage. It explores ways to promote communication, outreach, training, education and a national dialogue to reduce ergonomic-related injuries. Goals of the Alliance include:

Training and Education
  • Develop a biomechanics training module for employees handling checked baggage and make it available free-of-charge to all airlines and OSHA.
Outreach and Communication
  • Review and provide input on ways to improve OSHA’s eTool.
  • Conduct a one-day seminar for participating airlines, as well as any other interested aviation participants, on OSHA’s VPP process.
  • Conduct a one-day seminar with airline and OSHA personnel to address ergonomic issues associated with passenger checked baggage.
Promoting the National Dialogue on Workplace Safety and Health
  • Educate and solicit ideas from interested parties for improving the ergonomic process related to the handling of baggage during a national safety conference.
Implementation Team Members
John Andrus
Cheryl Beasley
Barry Brown
Linda Christopherson
Tom Dyce
Kristin Green
Cathi Hollister
Phil Isom
Cindy Keiser
Ray McCleary
Kim McDaniel
Penny Prince
Tim Racicot
Christopher San Giovanni
Chris Snyder
Tracy Sora
Kevin Summerlin
Jim Swartz
Debra Vujasin
Terri Weiland
Ashley West
Holly Geiger Zimmerman

Southwest Airlines
Southwest Airlines
America West
Air Canada
United Airlines
Air Canada
ATA Airlines
Continental Airlines
US Airways
Southwest Airlines
American Airlines
Continental Airlines
Air Canada
Continental Airlines
Delta Air Lines
US Airways
Midwest Express
Delta Air Lines
Alaska Airlines
National Safety Council:
Bobby Jackson
Brett Besser
Cathy Cronin
Bob Curtis
Travis Hannan
Lee Anne Jillings
Lisa Ramber

Salt Lake Technical Center (SLTC)
Office of Training and Education
Contractor for OSHA, SLTC
Office of Outreach Services and Alliances
Office of Outreach Services and Alliances

Chris Canfield
Dick Clark

Contractor for OSHA, SLTC
Contractor for OSHA, SLTC
Evaluation Period

November 12, 2002 through November 12, 2003
  1. Implementation Team Meetings
December 18, 2002
January 21, 2003
January 27-28, 2003
March 7, 2003
April 10, 2003
April 28-29, 2003
April 28, 2003
June 5, 2003
June 27, 2003
August 1, 2003
November 5, 2003
Kick-off meeting
Conference call
Implementation Team seminar
Conference call
Conference call
Implementation Team meeting
Body Mechanics Task Force meeting
Implementation Team seminar
Conference call
Conference call
Implementation Team meeting
  1. Events and Products

    Training and Education


    • Ergonomics Training Manual

      The Alliance is developing a training manual for aviation industry employees on how to handle large volumes of passenger checked baggage safely and reduce the chance for injuries on the job. The draft manual covers: injury prevention, forces that affect the body, safety workplaces and identification and reducing risk factors and proper body mechanics for handling checked baggage. When the manual is completed it will be available free of charge.

    Outreach and Communication

    • Alliance Review, Hartsfield International Airport, Atlanta, Georgia

      The Alliance held a meeting on November 5, 2003 in Atlanta, Georgia, to review the Alliance’s work, ask for feedback on the tools and processes developed during the Alliance’s first year and announce the projects and reaffirm the airlines’ and OSHA’s commitment to the Alliance for the second year.

    • VPP Seminar, June 4, 2003, Delta Air Lines, Technical Operations Center, Atlanta, GA

      Delta Air Lines hosted a Voluntary Protection Programs (VPP) Seminar on June 4, 2003 at its Technical Operations Center (TechOps) in Atlanta, Georgia. Representatives from 16 airlines, including American, Jet Blue, United and US Airways, 12 ground-support business partners and other industries attended the meeting. The seminar focused on the importance of applying for membership in OSHA’s VPP program. The facility’s employees and management shared first-hand knowledge about the program with the attendees. In addition, Delta discussed the improvements that the airline made to its safety and health program that resulted from applying for VPP recognition.

      Assistant Secretary of Labor for OSHA, John Henshaw opened the seminar by discussing OSHA’s commitment to the VPP process and encouraged the other groups in attendance to follow TechOp’s lead. Other speakers from OSHA included:

      • Paula O. White, Director of OSHA’s Directorate of Cooperative and State Programs updated the group on the VPP process.

      • Lee Anne Jillings, Director of OSHA’s Office of Outreach Services and Alliances talked about the success of the Agency’s Alliance Program.

      • Susan Sikes, OSHA’s Region IV VPP Manager gave the attendees an overview of the VPP application process.

      The attendees also heard from Ray Valeika, Delta’s senior vice president-TechOps.

    • Jim Swartz, Delta Air Lines, Inc., Presentations

      Jim Swartz, Director of Corporate Safety for Delta Air Lines, Inc., made many presentations to national and international industry groups and other airlines about the Alliance Program. Following is a list of presentations and meetings that were held:

      • Airline Alliance Presentation, December 3, 2002, Georgetown University, McDonnough School of Business Board of Directors, Washington, DC

      • Airline Alliance Briefing. December 10, 2002, Korean Air Safety, Atlanta, GA

      • Airline Alliance Briefing, Federal Aviation Administration, December 10, 2002, Atlanta, GA

      • Airline Alliance Presentation, January 13, 2003, Delta Station Managers Seminar, Salt Lake City, UT

      • Airline Alliance Presentation, February 12, 2003, ARTEX (International Air Transport Section of NSC), Brisbane, Australia

      • Airline Alliance Presentation, February 25, 2003, DGS (Delta Global Services) Management, Memphis, TN

      • Airline Alliance Presentation, March 5, 2003, DCI (Delta Connection, Inc), Salt Lake City, UT

      • Airline Alliance Presentation, April 3, 2003, GPS (Global Partners of Safety), Amsterdam

      • Airline Alliance Presentation, May 20, 2003, RAA (Regional Airline Association), Phoenix, AZ

      • Airline Alliance Presentation, June 5, 2003, UPSLT (Underwing Partner Safety Leadership Team), Atlanta, GA

      • Airline Alliance Presentation, July 22, 2003, Peer Group Safety Meeting, Dallas, TX

      • Airline Alliance Presentation (outline of how agencies should be working with industry – Alliance example), July 30, 2003, FAA/OSHA/Airlines, Washington, DC

      • Airline Alliance Presentation, August 26, 2003, NATA, Atlanta, GA


    • Safety and Health Topics Page

      The Airline Industry Safety and Health Topics page on OSHA’s Web site was developed by OSHA with input from the Alliance members, provides employers and employees in the aviation industry with information and assistance to help create a healthy and safe working environment.

    • Baggage Handling eTool

      The Baggage Handling eTool on OSHA’s Web site was updated by representatives from the Alliance and OSHA, describes many of the common hazards associated with the baggage handling process as well as provides possible solutions that are ranked according to their feasibility to the operations.

    • OSHA and Airline Industry Alliance Web Page

      The Baggage Handling eTool on OSHA’s Web site was updated by representatives from the Alliance and OSHA, describes many of the common hazards associated with the baggage handling process as well as provides possible solutions that are ranked according to their feasibility to the operations.

    • The OSHA and Airline Industry Alliance Web page on OSHA’s Web site contains information on the Alliance, Products and Resources, Activities and Events, and Milestones and Successes. The page is updated regularly.

    • November 12, 2002 - OSHA distributed a news release announcing the Alliance.

    • November 15, 2002 - Information on the Alliance in OSHA’s bi-weekly e-newsletter; QuickTakes.

    • November 15, 2002 - Article on the Alliance published by Occupational Hazards Magazine, "Latest Alliance Won’t Fly."

    • November 25, 2002 - Article on the Alliance published by, "Spurned union cries foul: Airlines, OSHA form Alliance to Address Handler MSDs."

    • March 2003 - Article on the Alliance published by Ground Support Magazine, "Ergo-Alliance."

    Promoting the National Dialogue on Workplace Safety and Health


    • National Safety Council Congress and Expo, McCormick Place Convention Center, Chicago, Illinois, September 10, 2003

      During the National Safety Congress and Expo, the OSHA and Airline Industry Alliance had a workshop, "Airline Ergonomic Alliance for Baggage Handling." The workshop included a review of the Alliance and the Alliance–sponsored Voluntary Protection Programs Seminar, OSHA’s Baggage Handling eTool and the development of an ergonomics-training manual for airline employees. Also discussed was the value of working with OSHA and the speakers presented a look at the future of this Alliance.

      The following Alliance members were part of the workshop panel:

      • Lee Anne Jillings, Office of Outreach Services and Alliances, OSHA
      • Jim Swartz, Delta Air Lines
      • Holly Geiger Zimmerman, Alaska Airlines
      • Ashley West, Delta Air Lines
      • Richard Lindsey, American Airlines
      • Penny Prince, American Airlines
      • Barry Brown, Southwest Airlines
  1. Results

    The OSHA and Airline Industry and the National Safety Council’s International Air Transport Section Alliance has been very successful. When the groups developed this Alliance, they were very specific regarding the goals of the document and the projects that would be undertaken to meet the goals of the Alliance. During the past year, the Alliance implementation team has been working to meet the goals and has produced and coordinated some very successful products and events.

    The implementation team worked with OSHA’s Salt Lake Technical Center (SLTC) to revise the Agency’s eTool for Baggage Handling. Prior to the Alliance, this tool was developed by SLTC without industry input. Through the Alliance, SLTC was able to use the expertise provided by the industry, including a tour of the Salt Lake City International Airport, to update the tool so that it accurately reflects the airline industry workplace; ticketing, baggage make-up room and the ramp.

    As the eTool was being revised, the SLTC, with Alliance input and comments, also created and posted a Safety and Health Topics page for the Airlines Industry on OSHA’s Web site. The page provides users with relevant reference materials including standards, directives and training materials. The team also serves as members of the page’s editorial board.

    The implementation team members have effectively communicated its commitment to the Alliance Program and protecting the safety and health of airline employees and improving the safety and health of the workplace. For example, the Alliance developed and held a Voluntary Protection Programs (VPP) Seminar on June 4, 2003 at its Delta Air Line’s Technical Operations Center (TechOps) in Atlanta, Georgia. Representatives from 16 airlines, including American, Jet Blue, United and US Airways, 12 ground-support business partners and other industries attended the meeting.

    The meeting focused on the importance of applying for membership in OSHA’s VPP program and the benefits to a company’s safety and health program, resulting from applying for VPP recognition. High-level OSHA and Delta representatives spoke during the conference including Assistant of Labor, John Henshaw and Ray Valeika, Delta’s senior vice president-TechOps.

    In addition, the implementation team developed and participated in a workshop during the 2003 National Safety Congress. "OSHA/Airline Ergonomic Alliance for Baggage Handling," was held on September 10, 2003 in Chicago, Illinois. During the workshop, the speakers, including Lee Anne Jillings, OSHA’s Office of Outreach Services and Alliances, Jim Swartz, Delta Air Lines, and Barry Brown from Southwest Airlines updated the attendees on the current status of the Alliance and discussed the value of working with OSHA and presented a look at the future of this Alliance.

    The Airline Industry Alliance has also been promoted as an example of a successful Alliance in speeches by OSHA’s leadership and Airline participants including Assistant Secretary John Henshaw, Paula White, Director of the Directorate of Cooperative and State Programs, and Jim Swartz, Director of Corporate Safety, Delta Air Lines, Inc. Internationally, the Alliance is being used by the Revitalising Health & Safety In Air Transport (RHSAT) Strategy Group to focus its discussions on priority topics, including setting accident reduction targets, and addressing the problems of baggage handling.

    Finally, a task group of airline industry ergonomic experts has been meeting regularly to develop a training manual for the ramp employees. The project was not completed during the Alliance’s first year; however, the implementation team is committed to completing this section and addressing additional work areas in the airline industry during the upcoming year.

    An outcome of Alliance that was not anticipated when the agreement was developed is the response that was received from organizations and groups in the aviation industry regarding the Alliance. As a result of this interest, an Interested Parties list was developed that included, unions, group support organizations and governmental agencies, including the U.S. Customs and the Transportation Security Administration. During the first year of the Alliance, the Implementation Team shared the products and information developed through the Alliance with the Interested Parties for review and input. OSHA and the Airlines, recognizing the value of the involving interested parties in the Alliance, agreed to formalize the interested parties process in the Alliance’s second year. In addition, the National Air Transportation Association has met with OSHA and discussed developing their own Alliance that would address hazards associated with inclement/severe weather that would impact ground support aviation employees.
Type of Activity (Conference, Training, Print and Electronic Distribution, etc.) Number of Individuals Reached or Trained
Jim Swartz, Delta Air Lines, Inc., Made the following presentations:  
Airline Alliance Presentation, December 3, 2002, Georgetown University, McDonnough School of Business Board of Directors, Washington, DC 10
Airline Alliance Briefing. December 10, 2002, Korean Air Safety, Atlanta, GA 5
Airline Alliance Briefing, Federal Aviation Administration, December 10, 2002, Atlanta, GA 5
Airline Alliance Presentation, January 13, 2003, Delta Station Managers Seminar, Salt Lake City, UT Data not available
Airline Alliance Presentation, February 12, 2003, ARTEX (International Air Transport Section of NSC), Brisbane, Australia 55
Airline Alliance Presentation, February 25, 2003DGS (Delta Global Services) Management, Memphis, TN 66
Airline Alliance Presentation, March 5, 2003, DCI (Delta Connection, Inc), Salt Lake City, UT 15
Airline Alliance Presentation, April 3, 2003, GPS (Global Partners of Safety), Amsterdam 10 Corporations
Airline Alliance Presentation, May 20, 2003, RAA (Regional Airline Association), Phoenix, AZ 50
Airline Alliance Presentation, June 5, 2003, UPSLT (Underwing Partner Safety Leadership Team), Atlanta, GA 12 Companies
Airline Alliance Presentation,, July 22, 2003, Peer Group Safety Meeting, Dallas, TX 5 Airlines
Airline Alliance Presentation (outline of how agencies should be working with industry – Alliance example), July 30, 2003, FAA/OSHA/Airlines, Washington, DC 20
Airline Alliance Presentation, August 26, 2003, NATA, Atlanta, GA 20
VPP Seminar, June 4, 2003, Delta Air Lines, Technical Operations Center, Atlanta, GA
OSHA Speakers:
  • John Henshaw, Assistant Secretary
  • Paula O. White, Director, Directorate of Cooperative and State Programs
  • Lee Anne Jillings, Director, Office of Outreach Services and Alliances
  • Susan Sikes, Region IV, VPP Manager
"Airline Ergonomic Alliance for Baggage Handling," National Safety Council Congress and Expo, McCormick Place Convention Center, September 10, 2003, Chicago, Illinois
  • Lee Anne Jillings, Office of Outreach Services and Alliances, OSHA
  • Jim Swartz, Delta Air Lines
  • Holly Geiger Zimmerman, Alaska Airlines
  • Ashley West, Delta Air Lines
  • Richard Lindsey, American Airlines
  • Penny Prince, American Airlines
  • Barry Brown, Southwest Airlines
OSHA and ASSE Alliance Web page on OSHA’s Web site 4,000
November 12, 2002 -- OSHA press release announcing Alliance 25 News Services
November 15, 2002 -- Information on the Alliance in OSHA’s bi-weekly e-newsletter; QuickTakes. 35,000
November 15, 2002 -- Article on the Alliance published by Occupational Hazards Magazine, “Latest Alliance Won’t Fly.” 25,000
November 25, 2002 -- Article on the Alliance published by, “Spurned union cries foul: Airlines, OSHA form Alliance to Address Handler MSDs” 25,000
March 2003 – Article on the Alliance published by Ground Support Magazine, “Ergo-Alliance” 10,000
Baggage Handling eTool Data not available
Airline Industry OSHA Safety and Health Topics page Data not available


  1. Upcoming Milestones

    OSHA, the Airline Industry and the National Safety Council’s International Air Transport Section agreed to renew the Alliance for another year and use the same approach for the agreement as the first year. The Alliance agreement has a new set of very specific issues and projects that the implementation team will address.

    The Alliance will continue developing an industry training manual for the handling of checked baggage and make it available, without charge. In addition, the team will develop of an industry Awareness/Education Program for passengers about how to pack bags for travelling.

    The group has also agreed to define the process for interested parties to participate with and obtain information about the Alliance, including a process for providing feedback and comments. The team will also periodically review and update of OSHA’s Baggage Handling eTool and the Airline Industry Safety & Health Topics page.

    Though the Alliance, the implementation team will begin working with airports, manufacturers, and other interested parties to address airport design issues. This will be accomplished through a presentation at the 76th Annual American Association of Airport Executives Conference and Exposition, June 21-24, 2004 in Las Vegas, Nevada. In addition, the Airline Industry Alliance will be holding another workshop at the National Safety Council’s 92nd Annual Congress & Expo 2004, September 10-17 in Chicago, Illinois.
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