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Next Steps in Using
Combustion Cyberinfrastructure

A Multi-agency Combustion Workshop
San Diego, California
March 28-29, 2007

Presentations and Discussions concerning the Workshop:


      Review of Workshop context, agenda, and goals;
        Phil Westmoreland, National Science Foundation

      Perspectives from the TNF Workshop;
        Rob Barlow, Sandia National Laboratories

      PrIMe – A Virtual Organization:

            Part 1
              Phil Smith, University of Utah

            Part 2
              Michael Frenklach, University of California-Berkeley

            Part 3
              Greg Smith, SRI International

      Developing Cyberinfrastructure
      for Data-Oriented Science and Engineering
            Fran Berman, Director, San Diego Supercomputing Center

      Insights from the Pittsburgh Combustion Simulation Workshop
            Geo Richards, National Energy Technology Laboratory
            Doug Talley, Air Force Research Laboratory

      Discussions and Breakouts

Comments/Questions:   Feel free to contact Phil Westmoreland.

Comments for Discussion:

Michael Frenklach wrote (4/6/07):

In continuation of our discussion last week in San Diego, about extremely large-size data records, I would like to propose to undertake an exploratory exercise: to select a ~1 GB size data record, typical of the type of data collected in turbulent flames, and see if the current PrIMe Data Model can accommodate it, and/or what modifications are needed to do so.

If this sounds something that you would like to do, I would suggest the following plan of action:

  1. To form a small work-group of people interested (it would be good to include among them also those who know object-oriented programming and/or XML).
  2. The work group can identify/create a "representative" sample file of data (it would be easier to start with no larger than 1-10 GB size).
  3. Zoran and I will create a first-cut XML example of this data file/record following the present PrIMe Data Model, and identify what additional features are possibly needed.
  4. We all will meet (actually or virtually) to discuss the results and consider further actions.
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Feb 17, 2009
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Last Updated: Feb 17, 2009