Table 8. Hours of training per employee by selected establishment characteristics, May-October 1995

Table 8.  Hours of training per employee by selected
establishment characteristics, May-October 1995

                                      Hours of Training
    Characteristic               Total   Formal      Informal

       All employed1            44.5       13.4         31.1

Mining                          36.1        17.2        18.9
Construction                    47.5        11.4        36.1
 Durables goods                 51.1        20.8        30.3
 Nondurables goods              40.2        21.7        18.5
communications,and              37.2        17.6        19.7
public utilities
Wholesale trade                 33.8         8.3        25.4
Retail trade                    36.8         4.2        32.6
Finance,insurance,              50.5        15.9        34.7
and real estate
Services                        50.2        13.2        37.0
  Establishment size                           

50 to 99 employees              40.1         8.2        31.9
100 to 499 employees            48.0        13.5        34.5
500 employees or more           42.6        16.6        26.0
  Number of selected                           
Fewer than 4                    58.4         5.9        52.6
4 or 5                          42.5        12.8        29.7
6 or 7                          38.7        13.9        24.8
8 or more                       50.6        14.8        35.9
  Number of selected                           
   work practices3
0                               57.8        14.7        43.0
1 or 2                          29.8         5.8        24.0
3 or 4                          57.6        15.9        41.7
5 or 6                          36.7        15.3        21.4
7 or more                       49.0        19.1        29.9
 Presence of contract                          
None                            41.9         8.7        33.2
Some                            47.4        18.7        28.7
    Turnover rate4
Low                            46.3        27.3         19.0
Medium                         45.9        15.6         30.4
High                           41.8         7.6         34.2
Employment change over                         
  the last 3 months
Declining                      52.0         13.3        38.6
Stable                         34.7         10.9        23.9
Increasing                     44.5         14.3        30.2
 Part-time employment                          
None                           57.6         14.7        42.9
Some, but less than 10%        43.0         15.8        27.2
10 percent or more             39.4         11.0        28.3

ยน  Employees working in establishments of 50 or more
2  The survey questionnaire asked respondents of the
establishment to select which, if any, of 11 listed benefits
they provided to their employees.
3  The survey questionnaire asked respondents of the
establishment to select which, if any, of nine listed
workplace practices they used at their establishment.
4  A turnover rate of less than 1.0 percent of average
employment over the prior three months was defined as low, 1
to 25 percent was considered medium, and 25 percent or
greater was considered high.