Table 4. Percent of total training hours spent in various types of formal training by size of establishment, May - October 1995

Table 4.  Percent of total training hours spent in various types of formal training 				
by size of establishment, May - October 1995				
Characteristic					 Total
				               50 or more 	 50-99		100-499 	500 or more 
						employees	employees	employees	employees
Type of formal training:				
     Any formal training 			100.0		100.0		100.0		100.0
     Job skills				
     Management training 			  7.3	  	 9.4	 	 4.2	 	10.5
     Professional and technical training 	 11.8	 	14.1	 	 7.8	 	15.8
     Computer training 				 19.9	 	22.5		25.1	        12.8
     Clerical and administrative training 	  5.1		 3.2	 	 5.8	         4.8
     Sales and customer relations training 	  7.3		12.3	  	 7.5	         5.6
     Service related training 			  5.2	 	14.0	  	 2.3		 6.1
     Production and construction training 	 10.2	  	 4.9	  	 7.9	 	14.5
     General skills				
     Basic skills training 			  1.0	  	 0.0		 1.1	 	  1.1
     Occupational safety training 		 11.0	 	 9.9		15.3		  6.1
     Employee health and wellness training 	  1.5	 	 1.2	 	 2.3		  0.5
     Orientation training 			  5.7	 	 5.7		 6.6	 	  4.7
     Awareness training 			  0.5		 0.0		 0.1		  1.0
     Communications and quality training	 13.2		 2.2		13.7		 16.1
     Other types of training 			  0.4	 	 0.6		 0.5		  0.4