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ECFS Email Filing Instructions

This page provides instructions for members of the public who want or need to send comments on FCC Proceedings via Email instead of through the Electonic comment Filing System's interactive web site. Click on one of the links below to review instructions and information. If you need further assistance, please contact the Help Desk at ecfshelp@fcc.gov or (202) 418-0193.


  1. Obtain a copy of the ASCII Electronic Transmittal Form (FORM-ET) HERE, or request a copy by sending an email with the following words in the subject line or body of the message:
    get form <your email address>.
    Example: get form jsmith@domain.com
    Email the above message to ecfs@fcc.gov.
  1. Complete FORM-ET using Notepad or another ASCII text editor. Because Email filings are automatically processed, they must include specific ECFS Document Index Terms, and must be computer readable. To this end, FORM-ET includes SGML tags (similar to HTML tags). Fill in each line of the form by entering your specific information after each <TAG>. Do not remove or modify any of the tags. Type the body of your comment after the <TEXT> tag.
  1. Save your completed FORM-ET as an ASCII text formatted file.
  1. Copy the ASCII text into the body of a new email message.
  1. Email the form to ecfs@fcc.gov. Please do not submit an attachment or reply to ECFS messages.

Email filers will be notified of receipt and either acceptance or rejection and any associated errors via email to the sender only as a reply. If once the email is received and processed any problems with your filing is detected you will be contacted at the email address listed in the <CONTACT-EMAIL> tag.

Blank Form

Blank Form
get the stand-alone ASCII text version
ECFS- Email Filing

Data Requirements

Data Requirements
ECFS - Email Filing
put-docket-number or rulemaking-number here (required)
<DATE> filed-date-in-mm/dd/yyyy-format
<NAME> applicant-or-petitioner-name (required)
<ADDRESS1> address (required)
<ADDRESS2> address
<CITY> city (required)
<STATE> two-letter-state-code (required)
<ZIP> zipcode (required)
<LAW-FIRM> law-firm
<ATTORNEY> lawyer-name
<FILE-NUMBER> file-number
<DOCUMENT-TYPE> two-letter-docment-type-code (required, see list of Document Types)
<PHONE-NUMBER> sender-phone-number
<DESCRIPTION> Email-Comment
<CONTACT-EMAIL> email-address-response-destination
<TEXT> actual text of message...(required)
Dear FCC...

Sample Forms

Sample of a Completed Form - Law Firm
ECFS - Email Filing
<DATE> 11/21/97
<NAME> Jane M. Doe
<ADDRESS1> 902 Snyder Lane
<ADDRESS2> Apt. 34
<CITY> Wichita
<ZIP> 20530
<LAW-FIRM> Smith & Jones
<ATTORNEY> Robert Smith
<PHONE-NUMBER> 410-555-4657
<DESCRIPTION> Email Comment
<CONTACT-EMAIL> jdoe@public.com
<TEXT> Dear FCC,
Our client, XYZ Company, supports the local-access station WXXX. Please review the enclosed materials for further explanation. Thanks.
Jane M. Doe
Smith & Jones

Sample of a Completed Form - Individual
ECFS - Email Filing
<DATE> 6/12/01
<NAME> John P. Doe
<ADDRESS1> 123 Kennedy Drive
<CITY> Newark
<ZIP> 07103
<PHONE-NUMBER> 973-555-7893
<CONTACT-EMAIL> jdoe@commercial.com
<TEXT> Dear FCC,
I don't want to pay more for my phone. Please remove the surcharge and let competition rule. Thanks.

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last reviewed/updated on 11/20/07 

For assistance in using ECFS, please contact ECFS Help at ecfshelp@fcc.gov or (202) 418-0193. For suggestions and comments regarding the system design and operation, please contact Bill Cline at (202) 418-0267.

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