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American Shipbuilding Association (ASA)

(signed July 15, 2003; renewed January 13, 2006; renewed August 22, 2007)
Milestones and Successes | Related Documents | Activities and Events | Products and Resources | Areas of Emphasis

NAOSH 2009
NAOSH 2009

Jim Thornton, Director of Environmental, Health and Safety at Northrop Grumman Corporation and representing the American Shipbuilding Association, an Alliance Program participant, describing the maritime industry’s unique regulatory requirements during his presentation at OSHA’s Small Business Forum: “Safety and Health Issues in the Maritime Industry” held September 14, 2007 in Washington, DC. Terry Preston, Director of Safety, Environmental & Quality at Atlantic Marine, LLC in Mobile, AL, representing the SCA, presented “Small to Medium Sized Shipyard Challenges and Opportunities” during the Forum.
Jim Thornton, Director of Environmental, Health and Safety at Northrop Grumman Corporation and representing the ASA, an Alliance Program participant, describing the maritime industry’s unique regulatory requirements during his presentation at OSHA’s Small Business Forum: "Safety and Health Issues in the Maritime Industry" held September 14, 2007 in Washington, DC. Terry Preston, Director of Safety, Environmental & Quality at Atlantic Marine, LLC in Mobile, AL, representing the Shipbuilders Council of America, presented "Small to Medium Sized Shipyard Challenges and Opportunities" during the Forum.

(L to R) Edwin G. Foulke, Jr., former-Assistant Secretary, USDOL-OSHA, and Cynthia L. Brown, ASA's President, sign the national Alliance renewal agreement on August 22, 2007.
(L to R) Edwin G. Foulke, Jr., former-Assistant Secretary, USDOL-OSHA, and Cynthia L. Brown, ASA's President, sign the national Alliance renewal agreement on August 22, 2007.
Through the Alliance, OSHA and ASA use their collective expertise to provide the association's members and others in the shipbuilding industry with information and guidance to help protect employees' health and safety, particularly in reducing and preventing exposure to shipyard safety and health hazards. The Alliance's goals include:

Outreach and communication:
  • Work with OSHA to provide expertise in developing information on the recognition and prevention of workplace hazards, and to provide expertise in developing ways of communicating such information (e.g., print and electronic media, electronic assistance tools and OSHA's and ASA's Web sites) to employers and employees in the industry.
  • Share information among OSHA personnel and industry safety and health professionals regarding ASA best practices or effective approaches and publicize results through outreach by ASA and through OSHA- or ASA-developed materials, training programs, workshops, seminars, and lectures (or any other applicable forum).
  • Work with other Alliance participants on specific maritime industry issues and projects that are addressed and developed through the Alliance Program.
Promoting the national dialogue on workplace health and safety:
  • Convene or participate in forums, roundtable discussions, or stakeholder meetings on shipyard safety and health hazards to help forge innovative solutions in the workplace.

Milestones and Successes

Related Documents

Alliance Agreements Alliance Annual Reports Alliance News Releases
Activities and Events (Archive)
  • May 3-9, 2009: 2009 North American Occupational Safety and Health (NAOSH) Week. The American Shipbuilding Association and a number of other Alliance Program participants are supporting 2009 NAOSH Week, "Safety Means Always Coming Home." Sponsored annually by the American Society of Safety Engineers and the Canadian Society of Safety Engineering, the Week focuses on the importance of preventing injuries and illnesses in the workplace.
  • September 14, 2007: OSHA Business of Small Business Forum: "Safety and Health Issues in the Maritime Industry," Washington, DC. Representatives from Alliance Program participants, ASA and Shipbuilders Council of America (SCA), addressed safety and health issues of employees in small and medium-sized shipyards during the Forum. Jim Thornton, Director of Environmental, Health and Safety at Northrop Grumman Corporation-Newport News in Newport News, Virginia and representing the ASA, described his organization’s management and employee engagement in workplace safety and health. Terry Preston, Director of Safety, Environmental & Quality at Atlantic Marine, LLC in Mobile, AL, representing the SCA, presented "Small to Medium Sized Shipyard Challenges and Opportunities."

Products and Resources
Alliance Program Participant Developed Products OSHA Safety and Health Topics Pages OSHA eTools Success Stories
Areas of Emphasis
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Page last updated: 03/19/2009