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OSHA News Release (Archived)
2008 - 04/21/2008 - Puget Sound Skills Center, Burien, Wash., event held as part of national U.S. Department of Labor's OSHA kickoff of 2008 teen summer job safety campaign

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Region 10 News Release: 08-548-SEA (#08-53)
April 21, 2008
Contact: Jeannine Lupton
Phone: 206-553-7620

Puget Sound Skills Center, Burien, Wash., event held as part of national U.S. Department of Labor's OSHA kickoff of 2008 teen summer job safety campaign

SEATTLE -- The U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and construction industry representatives today participated in an educational project at the Puget Sound Skills Center (PSSC) in Burien, Wash., supporting the agency's national 2008 Teen Summer Job Safety Campaign, which focuses on construction. U.S. Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao unveiled this year's campaign earlier today at a kickoff event in New York City's Rockefeller Plaza.

"We have a strong and longstanding relationship with the construction community," said Richard Terrill, OSHA's regional administrator in Seattle. "Through this campaign, we hope to instill a culture of safety at a young age in America's next generation of employees. We look forward to working with construction safety and health leaders to further our mutual goal of ensuring that teens go home safe and healthy at the end of the day."

The kick-off event in Burien featured students from PSSC, a multi-school district center that provides entry-level vocational skills training to high school juniors and seniors, learning about workplace safety from public and private groups while building a 1,600-square-foot house. Representatives from OSHA, the U.S. Department of Labor's Wage and Hour Division, the Washington State Department of Labor & Industries' Divisions of Occupational Safety & Health and Wage Hour, Associated General Contractors and Weyerhaeuser Real Estate Co. were involved in the event.

The campaign is part of OSHA's Young Worker Initiative, which provides information and resources to teenagers, parents, educators and employers to ensure that youth have safe and rewarding work experiences. To learn more about workplace safety for teens, visit

Workplaces are safer than they have ever been with fatality and injury and illness rates declining to record lows in this administration. The injury and illness rate was 4.4 per 100 employees and the work-related fatality rate was 4.0 fatalities per 100,000 employees in 2006, the latest data available. Since OSHA's inception in 1971, U.S. employment has increased from 56 million employees at 3.5 million worksites to more than 135 million employees at 8.9 million worksites.

OSHA and its regional partners are striving to reduce work-related injuries among teenagers by teaching them on-the-job safety and integration of principles into their work tasks from this early age. Through working with many strong national and regional Alliance Program participants and other cooperative programs, OSHA plans to reach more than three million teens who work during the summer.

Under the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, employers are responsible for providing a safe and healthy workplace for their employees. OSHA's role is to promote the safety and health of America's working men and women by setting and enforcing standards; providing training, outreach, and education; establishing partnerships; and encouraging continual process improvement in workplace safety and health.

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