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OSHA News Release (Archived)
2007 - 01/25/2007 - U.S. Department of Labor's OSHA Establishes Safety Alliance with Lyondell Chemical

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Region 5 News Release:    07-40-CHI
January 25, 2007
Contact: Scott Allen
Phone: (312)353-6976

U.S. Department of Labor's OSHA Establishes Safety Alliance with Lyondell Chemical

MORRIS, Ill. -- The U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) signed an alliance with the Lyondell Chemical Co. to foster a safer work environment at the company's Morris, Ill., complex.

"This alliance will provide us with an opportunity to come together and demonstrate that we all can benefit when management, labor and government dedicate themselves to providing a safe and healthful work environment,” said Kathy O'Connell, OSHA area director in North Aurora, Ill. "We are confident the cooperative effort will enhance the opportunity to meet our mutual goal to eliminate injuries and fatalities."

OSHA and the Morris Complex Contractor Safety Council, a council within Lyondell Chemical Co., pledged to work cooperatively to develop and disseminate a Contractor's Industrial Hygiene Training Program and to share information and best practices with similar industrial groups in order to protect employee's health and safety and to reduce and prevent exposure to jobsite hazards.

OSHA health and safety alliances are part of U.S. Labor Secretary Elaine L. Chao's ongoing efforts to improve the health and safety of workers through cooperative partnerships. Alliances provide an opportunity to participate in a cooperative relationship with OSHA for purposes such as training and education, outreach and communication, and promoting a national dialogue on workplace safety and health.

Under the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, employers are responsible for providing a safe and healthy workplace for their employees. OSHA's role is to assure the safety and health of America's working men and women by setting and enforcing standards; providing training, outreach and education; establishing partnerships; and encouraging continual process improvement in workplace safety and health. For more information, visit


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NOTICE: This is an OSHA Archive Document, and may no longer represent OSHA Policy. It is presented here as historical content, for research and review purposes only.

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