BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Romania Local time: 01:16 PM

CS Intern Florian Langa, Student, National School of Political & Administrative Studies in Bucharest

Impressions about my internship at the Commercial Service in Bucharest

For one month, from August to September 2006 I had the great opportunity to work as an intern in the US Commercial Service in Bucharest. During this time, I was part of a professional team of commercial specialists, a small but united and motivated group of wonderful individuals that know how to blend the business-oriented side with their human side. That means that while each of them focuses on the common goals of the department, they are also willing to help the interns learn and get a feel of international trade aspects.

As an intern at the US Commercial Service in Bucharest, I had the chance to apply some of the knowledge I acquired at my university, the Faculty of Communication and Public Relations. My activities included mediating communication between the department and possible business partners, authorities and different companies and also finding relevant information in a short period and presenting it in a useful form. All the tasks I was assigned had the purpose to help me learn and made me realize that one always needs to broaden his/her horizon and take advantage of useful knowledge when the opportunity appears. This is especially true in the hectic business environment.

In conclusion, my internship at the US Commercial Service in Bucharest was a valuable learning experience that above all taught me that, in the jungle of the business world, a united and supportive team is a survivor and a competitive team is a winning one. I can say the CS Romania has both these qualities. I would recommend this program to any student that wants to get the right start in marketing, economics, foreign affairs and international business and seeks a good “coach”.

For more information about my intern experience with CS Romania, U.S. Embassy in Bucharest, you can e-mail to

Florian Langa, SNSPA Intern within the US Embassy Romania
Florian Langa, SNSPA Intern in the VIP Room of the CSRomania
CS Intern Florian Langa with the CS Romania Team
Intern Florian Langa & US Ambassador Nicholas Taubman