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Education Statistics Quarterly
Vol 5, Issue 3, Topic: NAEP Trial Urban District Assessment
Trial Urban District Assessment Snapshot Reports: Reading 2002 and Writing 2002
This article describes the Statistics in Brief reports of the same name. The sample survey data are from the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) 2002 Trial Urban District Reading Assessment and 2002 Trial Urban District Writing Assessment, as well as the national 2002 Reading Assessment and 2002 Writing Assessment.

In 2002, the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) conducted assessments of the reading and writing performance of public school students in several urban school districts. The NAEP 2002 Trial Urban District Assessment provided, for the first time, district-level results for Atlanta City, Chicago School District 299, Houston Independent School District, Los Angeles Unified, and New York City Public Schools. Results for the District of Columbia, which in 2002 and previous years participated in the NAEP state-level assessments, are reported along with results for the other urban districts. All the urban districts participated voluntarily in the assessments.

In addition to the main reports on the Trial Urban District Assessment in reading and in writing (summarized earlier in this issue of the Quarterly), each district receives customized overviews of its results. For each subject at each grade level, a one-page Trial Urban District Assessment Snapshot Report summarizes the performance of public school students in the district. Each snapshot report includes overall results (average scale scores and percentages of students at each NAEP achievement level), results for various subgroups and subgroup score gaps, and average scale scores at selected percentiles. By way of example, figure A shows the snapshot report on the reading performance of New York City fourth-graders (the report was reduced to 80 percent of actual size in order to fit into this article).

Figure A. Sample Trial Urban District Assessment Snapshot Report on reading performance at grade 4 : New York City Public Schools, 2002
Figure A. Sample Trial Urban District Assessment Snapshot Report on reading performance at grade 4 (shown at 80 percent of actual size): New York City Public Schools, 2002
SOURCE: Lutkus, A.D., Weiner, A.W., Daane, M.C., and Jin, Y. (2003). Trial Urban District Assessment Snapshot Report: Reading 2002, New York City Public Schools, Grade 4 (NCES 2003–534).

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Data source: The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) 2002 Trial Urban District Reading Assessment and 2002 Trial Urban District Writing Assessment, as well as the national 2002 Reading Assessment and 2002 Writing Assessment.

For technical information, see the following reports:

Lutkus, A.D., Weiner, A.W., Daane, M.C., and Jin, Y. (2003). The Nation’s Report Card: Reading 2002, Trial Urban District Assessment (NCES 2003–523).

Lutkus, A.D., Daane, M.C., Weiner, A.W., and Jin, Y. (2003). The Nation’s Report Card: Writing 2002, Trial Urban District Assessment (NCES 2003–530).

For questions about content, contact Taslima Rahman (

To obtain a district snapshot report (NCES 2003–534 for reading or NCES 2003–535 for writing), call the toll-free ED Pubs number (877–433–7827) or visit the NCES Electronic Catalog (

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