Footnotes for
Table 5.7.5B. Private Inventories and Domestic Final Sales by Industry

These footnotes correspond to those used for the published tables, which show data in billions of dollars and 2-decimal places, and may not completely apply to the tables in millions of dollars and 3-decimal places. The published tables may be found using the link:

1. Inventories are as of the end of the quarter. The quarter-to-quarter change in inventories calculated from current-dollar inventories in this table is not the current-dollar change in private inventories component of GDP. The former is the difference between two inventory stocks, each valued at its respective end-of-quarter prices. The latter is the change in the physical volume of inventories valued at average prices of the quarter. In addition, changes calculated from this table are at quarterly rates, whereas, the change in private inventories is stated at annual rates.
2. Quarterly totals at monthly rates. Final sales of domestic business equals final sales of domestic product less gross output of general government, gross value added of nonprofit institutions, compensation paid to domestic workers, and space rent for owner-occupied housing. It includes a small amount of final sales by farm and by government enterprises.
Note. Estimates in this table are based on the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS).
