Special-Status Species

Mating Mardon Skippers
Mating Mardon Skippers,
USDA Forest Service

The Pacific Northwest Regional Office of the U.S. Forest Service and Oregon/Washington State Office of the Bureau of Land Management recently established an interagency program for the conservation and management of rare species. This new interagency collaboration will focus on regional-level approaches for species that meet agency criteria for inclusion on sensitive and special status lists. This includes those species that are not federally listed as Threatened or Endangered, or Proposed for federally listing. Coordination will include:

  • identifying high-priority species and habitats
  • developing conservation assessments and strategies
  • conducting range-wide inventories
  • managing data
  • working with key partners in State and Federal Agencies, research, universities, and non-government organizations
  • making information available to field staff and the public on this interagency website more>>

The Northwest Forest Plan included Survey and Manage mitigation measures, which provided protection for approximately 350 rare or little-known species of plants and animals associated with late-successional, old-growth forests. more>>

Northwest Interagency Endangered Species Act

The Northwest Interagency website of the US Fish and Wildlife Service, NOAA-Fisheries, Bureau of Land Management, and US Forest Service contains information on both the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and the Streamlined Consultation Process. more>>