
Fish traps help biologists monitor fish populations. Photo by Saundra Miles.

The rivers, streams, and lakes of Oregon and Washington are home to a diverse array of fish species and the BLM is committed to the restoration and protection of the aquatic habitat the fish are dependent on.

Salmon and trout species found on BLM-managed lands include bull trout, westslope cutthroat trout, Yellowstone cutthroat trout, Lahontan cutthroat trout, redband trout, steelhead trout, and chinook and sockeye salmon.

Five of these species (bull trout, Lahontan cutthroat trout, steelhead trout, chinook salmon, and sockeye salmon) are on the Endangered
Species Act list in all or portions of their distribution.

The BLM addresses the management of fish and their habitat in District Resource Management Plans and through such initiatives as the Northwest Forest Plan, PACFISH and InFish.

The BLM is also a member of the Federal Caucus, which is a group of nine federal agencies with management responsibilities for listed fish species. The Caucus works together to improve interagency coordination and management of all the factors that influence fish survival: habitat, hatcheries, harvest, and hydropower operations.

In 2002, the BLM made the following habitat improvement accomplishments:

  • Riparian Habitat: 375 miles restored or intensively managed impact on fish; 175 miles improved as part of abandoned mine reclamation, fire restoration, and other projects.
  • Riparian/Wetland Habitat Easements: Purchased easements along more than 25 stream reaches.
  • In-Stream Flow: More than 50 stream flow studies, assessments, or feasibility surveys completed.
  • In-Stream Passage: More than 125 diversions assessed to identify improvement needs.

Northwest Interagency Endangered Species Act

The Northwest Interagency website of the US Fish and Wildlife Service, NOAA-Fisheries, Bureau of Land Management, and US Forest Service contains information on both the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and the Streamlined Consultation Process. more>>