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Austria Local time: 12:28 AM

Tariffs and other barriers to trade

Austria is a member of the European Union (EU), thus the Austrian customs regime is based on the "TARIC" (integrated tariff of the EU), determined in Brussels.

EU Import tariffs vary depending on the product, however, for most U.S. exports the tariffs are relatively low. In fact, over half of all products from non-EU countries enter without any tariff.

Tariff inquiries online are available at

Other barriers to trade

In general, there are no non-tariff barriers for U.S. companies entering the Austrian market. Nevertheless, some U.S. pharmaceutical companies have complained about restricted access to the Austrian market. A U.S firm seeking to market a drug in Austria must first obtain approval from the Austrian Social Insurance Holding Organization (Hauptverband der Oesterreichischen Sozialversicherungstraeger). According to critics, the non-transparent procedures by which the Hauptverband approves drugs for reimbursement under Austrian health insurance regulations has perpetuated a closed market system favoring established suppliers. Pharmaceuticals not approved by the Hauptverband have higher out-of pocket costs for Austrian patients and therefore suffer a competitive disadvantage vis-à-vis approved products.

Some goods are subject to tariff-rate quotas, whereby after a certain quantity of the good has entered the EU at a low or zero duty rate, the rate is increased. These are primarily goods determined to be useful to the European economy only in certain quantities, generally raw materials or parts. The most important tariff quotas for manufactured goods are on chemicals and electronics. Both are administered on a first-come, first-served licensing basis. The Austrian importer can get information about the extent to which the quota has been filled through the Customs Office Suben, which has an on-line connection to Brussels, as well as through the Main Customs Offices (Hauptzollaemter) or online at