Coos Bay Newsroom

Bureau of Land Management offices post News Releases to share news or let you know upcoming plans for their area. If you have questions regarding a specific News Release, contact information is at the top of each News Release. Please feel free to contact the Coos Bay Office with your questions or comments, at
(541)756-0100 or by email.

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Coos Bay News Releases in 2009Show  | Hide  
May 07 2009Interior Releases Budget Numbers
May 05 2009ARRA Stimulus Projects Funded
Mar 30 2009President Signs Legislation that Enhances Protection for Public Lands in Oregon and Washington
Mar 11 2009Docks Installed at North Spit Boat Ramp
Mar 09 2009Snowy Plover Nesting Season Begins March 15
Mar 04 2009BLM Prepares for Upcoming Oil and Gas Lease Sale
Mar 04 2009Tree Seedlings for Sale at BLM Office
Feb 27 2009BLM Sells 1.2 Million Board Feet of Timber
Feb 12 2009Northwest Firefighters to Help in Australia
Feb 06 2009BLM Executes Addendum to National Agreement and Conducts Tribal Outreach
Jan 30 2009BLM and Forest Service Announce 2009 Grazing Fee
Jan 30 2009BLM Sells 1.3 Million Board Feet of Timber
Jan 21 2009BLM to Establish Special Offices to Expedite Development of Renewable Energy
Jan 14 2009Energy Corridors Designated in Eleven Western States
Jan 14 2009New Purchases of Western Land Parcels with High Conservation Values
Jan 05 2009BLM Director Names New National Landscape Conservation System Director
Dec 31 2008BLM Western Oregon Plan Decisions Released
Dec 15 2008BLM Annouces Rare Species Guidance
Dec 04 2008Coos Bay BLM Seeks Volunteers for Advisory Committee
Dec 04 2008BLM Announces Final Rule for Land Withdrawals
Nov 20 20082008 PILT Payments Distributed
Nov 19 2008Christmas Tree Permits Go On Sale Next Week
Nov 06 2008BLM Waives Recreation-related Fees for Veterans on Veterans Day
Nov 04 2008Western Oregon Plan Revision Protest Period
Oct 31 2008Full Compensation for Payments in Lieu of Taxes
Oct 30 2008Final Right-of-Way Rental Fee Regulations
Oct 24 2008North Spit Docks Removed for Winter
Oct 23 2008Tough Year for Snowy Plovers on Oregon Coast
Oct 23 2008Geothermal Energy and Power Generation on Federal Lands
Oct 09 2008Final BLM Western Oregon EIS Released
Oct 06 2008Forest Roads Close for Bridge Repairs


BLM Prepares for Upcoming Oil and Gas Lease Sale

Date: 3/4/09

Oil and Gas Lease Sale

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Oregon State Office has announced that it will offer four parcels totaling approximately 5,342 acres, in Oregon, at its March 12, 2009 Oil and Gas Lease Competitive Sale. All four parcels to be offered are in Wheeler County near Mitchell, Oregon. The sale will be held at 9:00 AM, Thursday, March 12, at the Robert Duncan Plaza Building, 333 SW 1st Avenue, Portland, Oregon in the 3rd floor conference rooms.

BLM Western Oregon Plan Decisions Released

Record of Decision Thumbnail

The BLM has issued the six Records of Decision (ROD) for the Resource Management Plans (RMP) that were developed under the Western Oregon Plan Revisions. With this action, the BLM has completed its revision of the land use plans that will guide the management of 2.6 million acres in western Oregon in the BLM's Salem, Eugene, Roseburg, Medford, and Coos Bay Districts, and the Klamath Falls Resource Area of the Lakeview District. The RMPs also comply with all applicable Federal laws including the O&C Lands Act, Endangered Species Act, Clean Water Act, and the Federal Land Policy and Management Act.

The RODs formally adopt the Proposed Resource Management Plan (PRMP) that was put forward in the Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), which was released in October 2008. Overall, when fully implemented, the six land use plans are expected to increase the timber harvest from current levels, increase receiprs to the O&C Counties, meet the conservation needs of the northern spotted owl, increase habitat for marbled murrelet, maintain water quality, and improve habitat for Federally-listed fish.

Relative Sizes Of The Land Use Allocations In The Western Oregon Plan Revisions

WOPR Final EIS Land Use Allocations

Mystery Shipwreck Identified

The wooden hulled ship buried in sand on the North Spit of Coos Bay has been identified by archeologists as the George L. Olson.

Research suggests there is strong evidence that the mystery shipwreck is the bow-section of the steam schooner George L. Olson. Comparing historical photographs of the George L. Olson with current pictures of the shipwreck, both ships have three portholes with three chain plates aft of the portholes. The location of the Samson Post, Hawespipes, and the black vertical bumpers are identical. The pattern made by the through hull iron fasteners also appears identical (see attached photograph).

The story of the George L. Olson is outlined below:

The George L. Olson was originally named the Ryder Hanify. The steam schooner Ryder Hanify was built for J.R. Hanify and Company of San Francisco by the W.F. Stone shipyards of Oakland, California. The ship was launched on January 22, 1917. At 223 feet long and nearly 44 feet wide, the Ryder Hanify was one of the largest ships built to date at the Stone shipyard. The boat was powered by a 1,000 horse power steam engine and was designed to carry 1.4 million board feet of lumber at a time. read more>>

The Ryder Hanify was put into service in May 1917 hauling lumber. It completed several voyages during that year, including a shipment of lumber to South America in October, 1917.

On December 6, 1917, the Ryder Hanify, along with six other lumber carrying ships, was sold to the French government. The French government renamed the Ryder Hanify the Gabriel.

On March 9, 1922 an announcement was made in the Los Angeles Times that Oliver J. Olson , a “prominent lumber and steamship owner” had purchased two steam schooners from the French government and was now refitting them for the lumber trade. This included the Gabriel, which Olson renamed the George L. Olson.

The George L. Olson worked as a lumber carrying schooner in the Northwest for over 20 years until June 23, 1944 when it struck Coos Bay’s North Jetty and drifted aground on Guano Rock inside the Coos Bay channel. There were no casualties when the ship wrecked, but the ship was declared a total loss. At the time it wrecked, the George L. Olson was loaded with about 1.4 million board feet of lumber.

Salvage of the ship’s lumber cargo was conducted for the next six months. Five hundred thousand board feet of lumber recovered off of the ship was used to construct the Baptist Church in Charleston.

In December 1944, the hulk of the George L. Olson was towed to sea and was cut adrift with the intention she beach on the North Spit. During the following years, build-up of the foredune in the area covered the wreck.

The BLM, along with State of Oregon Oregon Parks and Recreation Department, the Coos County Historical and Maritime Museum, and NOAA, continue to consult with the Oregon State Historic Preservation Office to review options and make plans for the ship’s future. BLM and Museum staff continue to document the ship with photographs.

For additional information feel free to contact:

  • Megan Harper – BLM - (541) 751-4353
  • Steve Samuels – BLM - (541) 751-4244
  • Anne Donnelly – Coos County Historical and Maritime Museum – (541) 756-6320
  • Calum Stevenson – Oregon Parks and Recreation Department – (541) 888-9324
  • Robert Schwemmer – NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries in Santa Barbara – (805) 884-1466

Related Documents:

Original George L. Olson Photos

Original Ship Image

Ryder_Hanify_Bow – Bow section of the Ryder Hanify (George L. Olson) taken June 3, 1917 in San Pedro, CA on one its first voyages. Photo courtesy of Robert Schwemmer at the Office of National Marine Sanctuaries.

Original Ship Image

Full ship – The Ryder Hanify taking the water. Photo courtesy of Robert Schwemmer at the Office of National Marine Sanctuaries.

Present Day George L. Olson Photos

Shipwreck On Beach 1

George Olson Shipwreck. February 2008. BLM Photograph

Shipwreck On Beach 2

George Olson Shipwreck. February 2008. BLM Photograph

Shipwreck On Beach 2

George Olson Shipwreck. February 2008. BLM Photograph

Shipwreck On Beach 2

George L. Olson wreck floating – The George L. Olson floats in the water after being cut loose to drift to the North Spit. Photo courtesy of the Coos Historical and Maritime Museum.

Comparison Photo

Comparison of architectural features of the Ryder Hanify (George L. Olson) and the mystery shipwreck. Photo courtesy of Robert Schwemmer at the Office of National Marine Sanctuaries.

Shipwreck Handout

View a detailed shipwreck location map along the Coos Bay coast.