BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Peru Local time: 08:44 AM


I want to thank you on behalf of SGM Corporation and Brian Horlsey for the exceptional meetings you and your staff assembled for us under the Gold Key Program of the U.S. Embassy’s, US Commerce Department. These meetings, in which we sought partners for expansion to other mines and business segment in Peru, were extremely beneficial.

The quality of the meeting the Department arranged for SGM far exceeded our expectations. Of the 12 meetings held on April 25, 26 and 27, for SGM, four were extraordinary and will lead to future business for our company and two have future possibilities.  We know and thus appreciate the time and effort it takes to arrange and schedule, not just meeting, but meetings with companies of such quality and relevance.  These firms were of the highest caliber and were exactly what we were seeking.

I also want to thank you personally for your efforts and your involvement.  Your willingness to understand our goals and objectives, learn what we were seeking, and then become part of the process during these meetings, was literally like having another member of the SGM team in attendance.  Your insights during and between meetings helped us reevaluate our specific focus, as we learned about each company and its strengths and capabilities.

The Gold Key Program is and excellent resource for companies who have been in Peru for a few years and are seeking expansion partners.  I hope that more US companies and can not only take advantage of this program, but also the opportunity to work with you and take full advantage of your particular insights and business knowledge".

Dan Pearson, President SGM Corporation

May 2005.


"We greatly appreciate the information you have sent us.  We will be sure to follow up on this opportunity.  Thank you for your continued support and assistance"

 Michael Thompson, President of Cargo Security Management International.

February 2005.


In my last trip to Dallas I visited the office of Commercial Metals Company (CMC) and we signed the Consultant Agreement.  Furthermore, CMC has INVOIVED over $ 400,000.00 with Peruvian companies and there are already plans to supply these companies periodically.

Again I want to thank the US Commercial Service and specially Isabel Velez because all of this has been thanks to you.  The information I was provided with, got me to get in touch with CMC, a company ranked in the top 100 companies by Forbes Magazine.  CMC now sells its products in Perú.

Bruno Buitron, Commercial Metals Company in Peru.

April 2006


Just a quick update to let you know the Propel Software Gold Key was a fantastic success in Lima!  Charo did an amazing job of setting up all of my appointments and the meetings were outstanding. 

Denny Mayer, Senior Sales Executive,

February 20, 2007  


Margaret Hanson-Muse Commercial Counselor for the U.S. Embassy in Lima, Peru was extremely helpful in assisting our company needs by explaning the complex laws regulating distribution and government sales in Peru.  The expertise provided helped our company confirm our business position.  Thanks to Margaret and the whole team at USFCS in Lima.

Kirk Rossi, Director,

Nasco International Sales

February 23, 2007


We wish to emphasize what a tremendous help both Cesar and Maggie have been to my office. When we have difficult situations and you step in and bring in the efforts of the Commerce Department, it can so often have tremendous results as are evidenced by these files.

The quality of your work and dedication and tenacity of your staff is tremendous and we thank you so much for your dedication in protecting the clients listed on this report. If there is anything we can add, we will be happy to and we thank you again for your superior performance and exemplary efforts.

Very truly yours,

Fred Sampliner, S.S. Sampliner & Co., Inc.