BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Peru Local time: 08:53 AM




Official Name: Republica del Peru
Population: 28.6 million (2008 Peru's national census)
Capital: Lima
Currency: Nuevo Sol
Exchange Rate: 2.60 Nuevos Soles per US$ 1 (FY08)
Official Languages: Spanish and Quechua
Religions: Roman Catholic (81%)

GDP per capita (PPP): $7,600 (2007 est.)

GDP per capita: 3,550 (2,007 est.)
GDP (Purchasing Power Parity): $217.5 billion (2007 est.)
GDP (Official exchange rate) 101.5 billion (2007 est.)
Purchasing Power Parity: $186.6 billion (2007 est.)
Electricity: 220 volts / 60 Hz
Telephone Country Code: 51 -
Telephone Area Codes: Lima - 1; Arequipa - 54; Trujillo - 44; Iquitos - 94; Cusco - 84; Tumbes - 72

Head of State and Government: President Alan Garcia (July 2006 - July 2011)
Legislative Branch: Congress (120 members; elected by popular vote for a five-year term)
Political Division: 25 Regions


Estimated 4.12 billion dollars in US imports (2007 est.)
Total Peruvian Imports: US$ 18.75 billion (2007 est.)

Main Agricultural Products: Crops-potatoes, quinoa, corn (maiz), wheat, barley, alfalfa, bananas, sugarcane, cotton, rice, coca. Livestock and fish – sheep, cattle, pigs, tuna, swordfish, shrimps. Also, there are important agribusiness crops such as: asparagus, artichokes, paprika, mango, avocado, piquillo pepper, and citrus fruits.
Main Mined Products: Copper, lead, zinc, silver, iron, antimony, manganese, coal, phosphorus.
Main Manufactured Products: Steel, paints, plastics, pharmaceuticals, fertilizers, automobiles, trucks, buses.
Main Exports: Copper, silver, iron, lead, zinc, cotton, sugar, coffee, woolen products, fish and fish products.
Main Imports: Industrial chemicals, mining equipment, plastic materials and resins, trucks and buses, auto parts, electronic equipment, processed foods, wines and liquors, machinery, grains, meats, textiles.

Market Entry Strategy

U.S. products and services are highly regarded in the Peruvian market as are U.S. marketing techniques. U.S. companies are advised to appoint local representatives to investigate market opportunities and to participate in business operations. Retaining local legal counsel is essential. Caution should be exercised when responding to a Peruvian government bid for products or services to ensure it is a valid bid that conforms to the prevailing regulations. U.S. exporters may wish to contact the Commercial Service (U.S. Department of Commerce) at the Embassy, to obtain a market briefing, assistance in locating an agent, distributor, partner or arranging appointments during a business trip to Peru (Gold Key Service). The Foreign Agricultural Service and Economic Section (U.S. Department of State) can also provide briefings on the economic, financial, and investment climate in Peru