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Human Health > Food Safety
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Although the Food and Drug Administration regulates most aspects of food production and consumption in the United States, the EPA is responsible for regulating the use of pesticides on food. If improperly used, pesticides can cause serious health problems, including birth defects, nerve damage, cancer, and unique health risks to children. The EPA, in cooperation with the states, carefully regulates pesticides to ensure that their use does not compromise food safety. In particular, the Federal pesticide program is designed to ensure that pesticides can be used without posing harm to the most vulnerable members of society, children and infants.

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Browse these EPA Food Safety subtopics
Drinking Water Advisories, Fish and Wildlife Consumption Advisories, Swimming Advisories

Children's Health
School Environments

Acute Exposure, Cumulative Exposure, Dermal Exposure, Dietary Exposure, Exposure Assessment, Exposure Route, Threshold Level

Check! Food Safety
Irradiated Food

Health Assessment

Health Effects
Asthma, Genetic Damage, Respiratory Disease

Health Risk
Dietary Risk Evaluation

Occupational Health
Worker Protection, Worker Safety

Seniors' Health
Aging Initiative

Sun Protection

Chronic Toxicity, Dermal Toxicity, Toxicological Profile

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