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Overall Introduction - QAPP Development Tool Introduction

Module 1. Guidance on Developing a QA Project Plan

Module 2. QA Project Plan Template
QA Project Plan Template Introduction
MS Word: QA Project Plan Template

Module 3. Model QA Project Plan
Model QA Project Plan Introduction
Model QA Project Plan: Eagle Valley Reservation Monitoring of Surface Water

Module 4. References and Links
References & Links
EPA QA/R-2, EPA Requirements for Quality Management Plans
EPA QA/R-5, EPA Requirements for Quality Assurance Project Plans

Primary Guidance:
EPA QA/G-5, Guidance for Quality Assurance Project Plans
The Volunteer Monitor's Guide to Quality Assurance Project Plans, EPA
Generic Quality Assurance Project Plan Guidance for Programs Using Community Level Biological Assessment in Wadeable Streams and Rivers, EPA

Secondary Guidance:
EPA QA/G-4, Guidance for the Data Quality Objectives Process
EPA QA/G-4HW, Data Quality Objectives Process for Hazardous Waste Site Investigations
EPA QA/G-6, Guidance for Preparing Standard Operating Procedures
EPA QA/G-7, Guidance on Technical Audits and Related Assessments
EPA QA/G-8, Guidance on Environmental Data Verification and Data Validation
EPA QA/G-9, Guidance for Data Quality Assessment: Practical Methods for Data Analysi's
Quality Assurance Guidance for Conducting Brownfields Assessments, EPA
Guidance for QA Project Plan Development for EPA-Funded Cooperative Agreements with State & Tribal Agencies for the Conduct of FIFRA Pesticide Programs, EPA

Supplemental Technical Information:
California Stream Bioassessment Procedure, California Department of Fish & Game
Statistical Methods in Water Resources, USGS
National Recommended Water Quality Criteria: 2004, EPA
Guidance for Assessing Chemical Contaminant Data for Use in Fish Advisories, Third Edition, EPA
Volume 1. Fish Sampling and Analysis
Volume 2. Risk Assessment and Fish Consumption Limits
WEB: USGS/Water Resources -Office of Water Quality, National Field Manual for the Collection of Water-Quality Data, Exit EPABook 9, Handbook for Water-Resources Investigations
USGS/Water Supply Paper 2175. Measurement and Computation of Stream Flow
WEB: Volume 1: Measurement of Stage and Discharge Exit EPA
WEB: Volume 2: Computation of Discharge Exit EPA
WEB: Rapid Bioassessment Protocols for Use in Streams and Wadeable Rivers: Periphyton, Benthic Invertebrates, and Fish, EPA
Volunteer Stream Monitoring: A Methods Manual, EPA
Volunteer Lake Monitoring: A Methods Manual, EPA
Methods for Biological Sampling and Analysis of Maine's River and Streams, MDEP
WEB: Water on the Web Exit EPA - (Website only)
WEB: Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation Geomorphic Assessment Exit EPA
WEB: Watershed Analysis and Management (WAM) Guide of Tribes, EPA

Analytical References:
Handbook for Analytical Quality Control in Water and Wastewater Laboratories, EPA
40 CFR Chapter 1, (1 July 2003); Subchapter D - Water Programs
Part 136 - Guidelines Establishing Test Procedures for the Analysis of Pollutants
Part 141.23 . Inorganic Chemical Sampling and Analytical Requirements
Part 141.24 Organic Chemicals, Sampling and Analytical Requirements
Other Analytical Information Available on the Internet
WEB: Nationwide Information on National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Exit EPA
WEB: Index to EPA Test Methods, April 200 , 3 revised edition, EPA-New England
WEB: Analytical Methods Developed by the Office of Groundwater and Drinking Water, EPA
WEB: Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods, EPA
WEB: Water Science Analytical Methods, EPA
WEB: National Environmental Methods Index Exit EPA

Other Tools:

WEB: US EPA-New England: Beginner's Guide to Preparing Quality Assurance Project Plans for Environmental Projects
Data Verification and Validation Form, 29 Palms Laboratory
MS WORD: Data Evaluation/Documentat ion Form, EPA-New England
PROGRAM FILE: Converting Units Tool
Introduction to Excel Spreadsheets
- Organizational Website Links:
WEB: EPA-New England/Region 1 Quality Assurance
WEB: EPA Region 3 Environmental Science Center, Quality Assurance Team
WEB: EPA Region 7 Quality Assurance
WEB: EPA Region 9 Quality Assurance
WEB: EPA Region 10 Quality Assurance
WEB: EPA Tribal Air Monitoring Support Center Exit EPA- Northern Arizona University
WEB: 29 Palms of Mission Indians Exit EPA

Module 5. Standard Operating Procedures
Standard Operating Procedures Introduction

- Field Measurements:
- Turbidity, 29 Palms Band
- Conductivity, 29 Palms Band
- pH, 29 Palms Band
- Dissolved Oxygen, 29 Palms Band
- pH and Dissolved Oxygen, EPA Region 6
- Multi-Parameter Measurement, EPA Region 9
- Multi-Parameter Calibration, EPA Region 1
Global Positioning Systems
- GPS Data Collection using Trimble, 29 Palms Band
- GPS Data Collection using Garmin, 29 Palms Band
Sample Handling and Preservation (Tables):
- Sample Handling and Preservation, 29 Palms Band
Sample Collection Parameters, EPA CLP
- Inorganic Analyses
- Organic Analyses
- Field QC and Lab QC Sample Collection Requirements
- Sample Handling and Preservation, EPA Region 6
Miscellaneous Field Procedures:
General Sampling, EPA ERT
Equipment Decontamination:
- Sampling Equipment Decon EPA ERT
- Sampling Equipment Decon EPA Region 9
- Stream Gage Measurements, 29 Palms Band
- Stream Flow Measurement, EPA Region 6
- Electrofishing, EPA Region 1
- Boat Transport & Operation for Sampling, EPA Region I
- Canopy Cover and Gradient/Slope Estimation, EPA Region 6
Surface Water Sampling:
General Methods
- Surface Water Sampling, 29 Palms Band
- Surface Water Sampling, EPA ERT
- Chemical and Biological Ambient Water Sampling, EPA Region I
- Surface Water Sampling, EPA Region 9
Methods Associated with Low Level Metals Analysis
- Water-Quality Samples for Dissolved Metals-in-Water, EPA Region 6
- Low Level Metals Ambient Water Sampling, EPA Region 1
- Trace Level Clean Metals Sampling, EPA Region 9
Sediment Sampling:
- Sediment Sampling, EPA ERT
- Soil, Sediment, and Solid Waste Sampling, EPA Region 1
- Sediment Sampling, EPA Region 9
Groundwater Sampling:
- Coleman Generator, 29 Palms Band
- Generac EXL Generator System, 29 Palms Band
- Redi-Flow Performance Pump, 29 Palms Band
Monitoring Well Installation & Activities
- Geoprobe Operation, EPA ERT
- Well Installation using a Geoprobe, EPA Region 1
- Pressure Transducer Maintenance, 29 Palms Band
- Static Water Level Determination, 29 Palms Band
- Water Level Measurement, EPA ERT
- Well Development, EPA ERT
- Ground Water Sampling, 29 Palms Band
- Groundwater Well Sampling, EPA ERT
- Groundwater Sampling, EPA Region 1
- Groundwater Well Sampling, EPA Region 9
- Low Flow Purging & Sampling, EPA Region 1
Soil Sampling:
General Methods
- Soil Sampling, EPA ERT
- Soil Sampling, EPA Region 9
Soil Sampling for Volatile Compounds, EPA Region 9
- Sample Login, Tracking, and Disposition, EPA Region 1
- Chain of Custody of Samples, EPA Region 1
- Document Control, EPA Region I
- Website Links:

Module 6. Selecting an Environmental Laboratory

Technical and Logistical Qualifications, Quality System Documentation, and Other Factors

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