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Trade Standards


Vietnam’s standards system consists of over 5,000 standards. Specific information about product specific standards may be provided by Vietnamese importers or customers. Otherwise this information can be sought from the relevant ministry or government management body responsible for the country’s standards, such as the Directorate for Standards and Quality (STAMEQ) of Ministry of Science and Technology. Vietnam’s weights and measures standards are based on the metric system. The electric current is AC 50 cycles, 220/380. The electric utility system of Vietnam is being standardized at three phase, 220/330 volts, four wires.

Vietnam’s system of standards is complicated and not always transparent; some items are subject to national standards; some are subject to regulations of the functioning agencies; and some are subject to both. However, Vietnam has adopted some international standards and is a member of various international organizations that regulate standards. In general, Vietnam does not appear to use technical measures to serve as non-tariff barriers. The exceptions to this are some goods controlled by specific ministries such as chemicals, toxic chemicals and intermediate materials for their production, wild animals, pesticides and materials for their production, pharmaceuticals, substances that may cause addiction, cosmetics that may have impacts on human health and medical equipment.

Standards Organizations

The Directorate for Standards and Quality of Vietnam (STAMEQ), under the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), is the national standardization agency. STAMEQ is responsible for advising the Government on issues in the fields of standardization, metrology and quality management domestically, as well as representing Vietnam in international and regional organizations in the fields concerned. This organization also has the following responsibilities:

  • To prepare rules and regulations on standardization, metrology and quality management and submit them to appropriate authorities for approval.
  • To organize the supervision and implementation of approved rules and regulations.
  • To establish an organizational system on standardization, metrology and quality management and provide methodological guidance for these activities.
  • To organize the formulation of national standards and maintain national metrology standards.
  • To provide product quality certification, testing and calibration laboratory accreditation.
  • To implement state supervision on quality of goods and measurement.
  • To conduct studies on standardization, metrology and quality management.
  • To carry out informational and training activities related to standards.

Vietnam’s Act on Product Quality, 1991, requires standards to be submitted by STAMEQ to the Ministry of Science and Technology and be approved, signed and promulgated by the Minister. Other ministries and provinces may establish and issue their own standards (Branch standards and Provincial standards).

The Vietnam Standards Centre (VSC) is the specific branch of STAMEQ that is responsible for standards. It has an established relationship with relevant domestic ministries/agencies, as well as international and regional standardization organizations in terms of standards development and establishing schemes for conformity assessment. For more information visit its website.

Vietnam Standards or Tieu Chuan Viet Nam (TCVN) are national standards developed on the basis of research, the application of scientific and technological advances, and the adoption of international/regional/foreign standards. TCVNs are used as the technical criteria for quality certification, supplier's product conformity declarations, and quality inspection of imported and exported goods. TCVN’s are developed through technical committees and any other interested parties and are intended for voluntary adoption unless made mandatory under the decisions promulgated by the Minister of Science and Technology, or by specific references in other laws and regulations. There are currently about 250 mandatory standards. Any public or private organization or individual is bound to observe the mandatory standards. The State encourages the application of voluntary standards.

The first TCVN was developed in 1963. As of June 3, 2004 there are approximately 5,662 officially issued standards. To be in line with international/regional/advanced foreign standards, as far as practicable, STAMEQ tries to adopt them wherever feasible. STAMEQ has adhered to about 1,500 international, regional and foreign standards, such as ISO, IEC, ASTM, JIS, BSI, CODEX, STAN and ASTM.

On March 25, 2003 Vietnam’s TBT enquiry and notification point of contact was formally established within the offices of STAMEQ. However, this enquiry point will not be fully functional until the end of 2005 or upon Vietnam’s accession to the World Trade Organization.

Conformity Assessment

The Quality Assurance and Testing Center (QUATEST) is the organization responsible for standards testing in Vietnam. QUATEST, which works with STAMEQ, has three testing centers with the following responsibilities:

  • Legal inspection of imported - exported goods.
  • Verification for process line equipment.
  • Calibration and verification of measuring equipment.
  • Testing and inspection of products.
  • Assessment of product and quality systems.
  • Providing consultancy, training activities and information services.

Product Certification

The Vietnam Certification Services (QUACERT) is a national certification body responsible for quality related certification established by STAMEQ. QUACERT certification criteria and procedures seek to comply with appropriate national and internationally recognized standards and guidelines. QUACERT certification is intended to provide independent and objective assurances for companies that have implemented internationally recognized standards. QUACERT is also responsible for:

  • Participating in research for establishing legislation documents concerning conformity certification activities in Vietnam.
  • Participating in research on quality, quality assurance and total quality management.
  • Certification activities for organizations and individuals who have complied with national, international recognized standards or other specifications.
  • Participating in training activities, professional improvement and information dissemination regarding quality and conformity certification.
  • Participating in bilateral and multilateral international cooperative activities.


The Vietnam Laboratory Accreditation Scheme (VILAS) is based on the Act on Product Quality and its enforcement decree and regulations, and is operated by the Bureau of Accreditation (BOA). The Bureau of Accreditation accredits laboratories and inspection bodies only and does not engage in accreditation of certification bodies and registration of auditors. Using international criteria, VILAS accords formal recognition to laboratories with demonstrated capability and technical competence to perform specific calibration and testing. VILAS is a voluntary scheme, open to any laboratory that performs objective testing/calibration falling within the scheme and meeting the VILAS criteria of competence. The aims of VILAS are to:

  • Upgrade the standard of testing and management of laboratories.
  • Identify and officially recognize competent laboratories in Vietnam.
  • Promote the acceptance of test data from accredited laboratories, both locally and internationally.
  • Integrate accreditation activities with those of other regional and international accreditation schemes.

STAMEQ seeks to keep VILAS abreast of the latest international developments in laboratory accreditation by participating in the activities of ILAC (International Laboratory Accreditation Conference), APLAC (Asia Pacific Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation) and ACCSQ (ASEAN Consultative Committee on Standards and Quality). VILAS acts as a contact point for APLAC’s inter-laboratory comparisons and proficiency testing. VILAS also offers a variety of training courses for laboratory management, laboratory personnel and assessors.

The Vietnam National Accreditation Scheme (VNAS) is a new system established by STAMEQ in 1995 to control and operate Vietnam’s entire accreditation system. Its primary purposes include establishing an internationally acceptable accreditation system; accrediting certification bodies, testing and calibration laboratories, inspection bodies, and registration of auditors; operating in accordance with relevant ISO/IEC guidelines and international standards; and developing human resource capabilities to meet international requirements.

Publication of Technical Regulations

Cong Bao is the official gazette of the Vietnamese Government, similar to the U.S. Federal Register. Technical regulations and standards are printed in the gazette, which is issued in both Vietnamese and English.

Trade Agreements

In July 1995, Vietnam became a member of Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) and subsequently, a member of ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA). As part of AFTA, ASEAN members (including Brunei, Philippines, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and Cambodia) are committed to making this region a competitive trading area. Under the harmonization process called CEPT -- the Common Effective Preferential Tariff Scheme -- intra-regional tariffs, especially for manufactured goods, would be reduced to a level of between zero to five percent by year 2003. Vietnam was granted a longer phase in period to fully implement CEPT reductions by 2006. In accordance with AFTA requirements, Vietnam has issued a government decree detailing the tariff reduction schedule and tariff rates through 2006.

Vietnam has applied for accession to the World Trade Organization and has undertaken an accelerated series of multi-lateral and bilateral negotiations in an effort to accede to the WTO. In December 2001, Vietnam submitted its initial offer on tariff reductions and market access. The nineth Working Party on Vietnam Accession was held in December 2004. The Government of Vietnam has publicly stated it hopes to accede in 2005.

Other Web Resources

Please visit Vietnam Standards Center.