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Economic Analysis Group
Discussion Papers
Antitrust Division

EAG Discussion Papers are the primary vehicle used to disseminate research from economists in the Economic Analysis Group (EAG) of the Antitrust Division. These papers are intended to inform interested individuals and institutions of EAG’s research program and to stimulate comment and criticism on economic issues related to antitrust policy and regulation.

The analysis and conclusions expressed in the papers are solely those of the authors and do not represent the views of the Department of Justice.

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2009 Discussion Papers

Merger Review of Firms in Financial Distress
Ken Heyer and Sheldon Kimmel, EAG 09-1 March 2009
Abstract   PDF   HTML

2008 Discussion Papers

Competitive Advocacy Opportunity: Zeroing in U.S. Antidumping Enforcement
William W. Nye, EAG 08-13, December 2008
Abstract   PDF   HTML

Restructuring, Ownership and Efficiency: The Case of Labor in Electricity Generation
Jennifer K. Shanefelter, EAG 08-12, December 2008
Abstract   PDF   HTML

Automobile Prices, Gasoline Prices, and Consumer Demand for Fuel Economy
Ashley Langer and Nathan Miller, EAG 08-11, December 2008
Abstract   PDF  Accessible Text

The Implications of 'Zeroing' on Enforcement of U.S. Antidumping Law
William W. Nye, EAG 08-10, August 2008
Abstract   PDF   HTML

Should Banking Be Kept Separate from Commerce
Alexander Raskovich, EAG 08-9, August 2008
Abstract   PDF   HTML

Analyzing Mergers Using Capacity Closures
Nicholas Hill, EAG 08-8, August 2008
Abstract   PDF  Accessible Text

Competition when Consumers Value Firm Scope
Nathan H. Miller, EAG 08-7, August 2008
Abstract   PDF   Accessible Text

Optimal Sharing Strategies in Dynamic Games of Research and Development
Nisvan Erkal and Deborah Minehart, EAG 08-6, June 2008
Abstract   PDF   Accessible Text

Electricity Restructuring in China: The Elusive Quest for Competition
Russell Pittman and Vanessa Yanhua Zhang, EAG 08-5, April 2008
Abstract   PDF   HTML

Electricity Restructuring: What Has Worked, What Has Not, and What is Next
Jeff Lien, EAG 08-4, April 2008
Abstract   PDF   HTML

Dynamic Contract Breach
Fan Zhang, EAG 08-3, March 2008
Abstract   PDF  Accessible Text

Appropriate Antitrust Policy Towards Single-Firm Conduct
Dennis W. Carlton and Ken Heyer, EAG 08-2, March 2008
Abstract   PDF   HTML

Safe Harbors for Quantity Discounts and Bundling
Dennis W. Carlton and Michael Waldman, EAG 08-1, January 2008
Abstract   PDF   HTML

2007 Discussion Papers

Mergers in Regulated Industries: Electricity
Dennis W. Carlton, EAG 07-16, December 2007
Abstract   PDF   HTML

The Need to Measure the Effect of Merger Policy and How to Do It
Dennis W. Carlton, EAG 07-15, December 2007
Abstract   PDF   HTML

Proposal for a Market-Based Solution to Airport Delays
W. Tom Whalen, Dennis W. Carlton, Ken Heyer, and Oliver Richard, EAG 07-14, October 2007
Published at 31 Regulation (2008).
Abstract   PDF   HTML

The Holdout Problem and Long-Term Contracting
Alexander Raskovich, EAG 07-13, September 2007
Abstract   Link to PDF

Do Low-Quality Products Affect High-Quality Entry? Multiproduct Firms and Nonstop Entry in Airline Markets
Abraham Dunn, EAG 07-12, September 2007
Abstract   PDF  Accessible Text

Anticompetitive Restraints on Public Charter Schools
John Hoven, EAG 07-11, September 2007
Abstract   PDF   HTML

Consumer Learning, Switching Costs, and Heterogeneity: A Structural Examination
Matthew Osborne, EAG 07-10, September 2007
Abstract   PDF   Accessible Text

Consumer Surplus as the Appropriate Standard for Antitrust Enforcement
Russell Pittman, EAG 07-9, June 2007
Forthcoming in Competition Policy International.
Abstract   PDF   HTML  

How Rebate Bans, Discriminatory MLS Listing Policies, and Minimum Service Requirements Can Reduce Price Competition for Real Estate Brokerage Services and Why It Matters
Matthew Magura, EAG 07-8, May 2007
Abstract   PDF   HTML  

Optimal Sharing Strategies in Dynamic Games of Research and Development
Nisvan Erkal and Deborah Minehart, EAG 07-7, April 2007
Abstract   PDF   Accessible Text

Market Definition: Use and Abuse
Dennis W. Carlton, EAG 07-6, April 2007
Published in Competition Policy International (2007).
Abstract   PDF   HTML  

Will the Train Ever Leave the Station? The Private Provision of Freight Railway Service in Russia and Central and Eastern Europe
Russell Pittman, Oana Diaconu, Emanual Šip, Anna Tomová, and Jerzy Wronka, EAG 07-5, January 2007
Forthcoming in Journal of Competition Law and Economics.
Abstract   PDF   HTML  

Price-Response Asymmetry and Spatial Differentiation in Local Retail Gasoline Markets
Jeremy A. Verlinda, EAG 07-4, January 2007
Abstract   PDF   HTML  

Does Antitrust Need to be Modernized?
Dennis W. Carlton, EAG 07-3, January 2007
Published in Journal of Economic Perspectives (2007).
Abstract   PDF   HTML  

Cold Case Files: The Athenian Grain Merchants 386 B.C.
Wayne R. Dunham, EAG 07-2, January 2007
Abstract   PDF   HTML  

Patient Admission Patterns and Acquisitions of “Feeder” Hospitals
Sayaka Nakamura, Cory Capps and David Dranove, EAG 07-1, January 2007
Abstract   PDF   HTML  

2006 Discussion Papers

Predicting the Competitive Effects of Mergers by Listening to Customers
Ken Heyer, EAG 06-11, September 2006
Forthcoming in Antitrust Law Journal (2007).
Abstract   PDF   HTML  

Ordered Bargaining
Alexander Raskovich, EAG 06-10, September 2006
Published in International Journal of Industrial Organization (2007).
Abstract   PDF   HTML  

Market Definition and Market Power in Payment Card Networks
Eric Emch and T. Scott Thompson, EAG 06-9, March 2006
Published in The Review of Network Economics (2006).
Abstract   Link to published version

Welfare Standards and Merger Analysis: Why not the Best?
Ken Heyer, EAG 06-8, March 2006
Published in Competition Policy International (2006).
Abstract   PDF   HTML  

How and Why the Per Se Rule Against Price-Fixing Went Wrong
Sheldon Kimmel, EAG 06-7, March 2006
Forthcoming in Supreme Court Economic Review (2008).
Abstract   PDF   HTML  

Abuse of Dominance Enforcement under Latin American Competition Laws
Maria Coppola Tineo and Russell Pittman, EAG 06-6, February 2006
Published in Philip Marsden, ed., Handbook of Research in Trans-Atlantic Antitrust (2006).
Abstract   PDF   HTML  

Investment Incentives and Market Power: An Experimental Analysis
Dean V. Williamson, Céline Jullien, Lynne Kiesling, and Carine Staropoli, EAG 06-5, January 2006
Abstract   PDF   HTML  

Organization, Control and the Single Entity Defense in Antitrust
Dean V. Williamson, EAG 06-4, January 2006
Abstract   PDF   HTML  

Innovation and Ex Ante Consideration of Licensing Terms in Standard Setting
Tor Winston, EAG 06-3, March 2006
Abstract   PDF   Accessible Text

What Is the Effect of U.S. Antidumping Duties on Imports? Some Evidence from the Sunset Review Process
William W. Nye, EAG 06-2, February 2006
Abstract   PDF   HTML  

Competition or Collusion? Negotiating Discounts Off Posted Prices
Alexander Raskovich, EAG 06-1, February 2006
Published in International Journal of Industrial Organization (2007).
Abstract   PDF   HTML  

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