Groundwater Development Projects
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The BLM Nevada State Director established the Nevada Groundwater Projects Office to facilitate the preparation of environmental impact statements (EIS) for three rights-of-way applications. The applications are for the placement of surface facilities (wells, roads, pipelines, and power lines) to develop and transport water across public lands. The links below provide detailed information for each of the three projects.

Clark, Lincoln, and White Pine Counties (SNWA) Groundwater Projects

Lincoln County Land Act (LCLA) Groundwater Projects

Kane Springs Valley (KSV) Groundwater Projects


The Lincoln County Conservation, Recreation & Development Act of 2004 establishes several corridors in Lincoln and Clark counties for the purpose of water conveyance systems and associated facilities. The BLM’s role is to grant or deny the rights-of-way applications for the surface facilities, which is subject to the National Environmental Policy Act. The water rights associated with these projects are granted through the Nevada State Engineer and are not subject to BLM jurisdiction.

Lincoln County Conservation, Recreation, and Development Act of 2004 (LCCRDA, Public Law 108-424) provides for many changes that will take place throughout Lincoln County, Nevada:

  • Title I (Land Disposal) directs the Secretary of the Interior to conduct land sales of approximately 103 acres in southern Lincoln County.
  • Title II (Wilderness Areas) identifies 14 new wilderness areas and releases other specific areas from wilderness designation.
  • Title III (Utility Corridors) provides for several groundwater transmission facility corridors to be used by Southern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA), LCWD, and others for the facilities necessary for construction and operation of water conveyance systems, subject to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
  • Title IV (Silver State Off-Highway Vehicle Trail) designates the Silver State Off-Highway Vehicle Trail system.
  • Title V (Open Space Parks) directs the Secretary of the Interior to convey up to 15 acres to Lincoln County and additional lands to the State of Nevada for open space parks.
  • Title VI (Jurisdiction Transfer) establishes requirements for jurisdictional transfers between the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and BLM. 

These actions are expected to take place within Lincoln County, and will therefore occur under all alternatives, including the "No Action" alternative. Each EIS will have to consider the potential for cumulative effects from these actions.

Last updated: 05-01-2009