NIDDK Recent Advances and Emerging Opportunities (2008) : NIDDK

NIDDK Recent Advances and Emerging Opportunities (2008)

Multi-colored illustration including: an abstract image from a study of genetic factors associated with type 2 diabetes; a microscopic image of bacterial cells adhering to intestinal cells; photograph of two scientists reviewing research results; illustration of the structure of a protein involved in pancreatic cell function; photograph of a physician talking with a patient at bedside; microscopic image of cilia on the surface of kidney cells; and the logo for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services


This publication is one means of conveying the important accomplishments that have resulted from NIDDK-funded research, as well as the enormous promise this research holds for the future. The examples given here are representative of the much larger and more diverse research portfolio funded by the NIDDK. This compendium is a web-based publication, which is also presented to the NIDDK’s National Advisory Council in printed form each January or February.

The following documents are presented in PDF format. PDF documents can be viewed using the free Adobe® Acrobat® Reader software. To view PDF documents using common screen readers, download the free Acrobat® Reader with Accessibility features. Please report technical problems to

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Message from the Director (PDF, 83KB / 2 pages)

Cross-Cutting Science (PDF, 389KB / 10 pages)

  • Genome-Wide Association Studies
  • Genes and the Environment
  • NIH Roadmap for Medical Research: Second Cohort of Roadmap Programs
  • Stem Cells, Progenitor Cells, and Disease Approaches
    • Stem Cell Studies Provide New Insight into Aging
    • Potential New Stem Cell Approach to Transplantation
    • Liver Regeneration from Bone Marrow Stem Cells
    • Intestinal Stem Cells Lacking Tumor Suppressor Promote Polyp Formation
    • Colonic Stem Cell Markers and Regulatory Pathways
    • Identification of Gastric Stem Cells
    • Identification of Progenitor Cell Protein Involved in Pancreas Development
    • New Insights into Mouse Stem Cell Markers with Implications for Tissue Renewal
    • Contrasting Developmental Programs in the Pancreas and Liver
  • The New Public Face of NIDDK

Diabetes, Endocrinology, and Metabolic Diseases (PDF, 781KB / 32 pages)

  • Genetics of Diabetes
    • Genes that Contribute to Developing Type 2 Diabetes and Genes that Affect Treatment Outcomes
    • New Gene Associated with Type 1 Diabetes Susceptibility
  • Type 1 Diabetes Research
    • Recurrent Episodes of Low Blood Sugar Do Not Impact Long-Term Cognitive Function
    • Omega-3 Fatty Acids Reduce Children’s Risk of Developing Early Markers of Type 1 Diabetes
    • Increasing Rates of Childhood Diabetes
  • Pancreatic Regeneration
    • Expanding Beta Cell Mass
    • New Mouse Model for Studying Beta Cell Regeneration
  • Regulators of Metabolism in Health and Disease
    • Controlling Inflammation and Metabolism –The STAMP2 Protein
    • Discovery of a Biological Missing Link May Aid Research on Diabetes and Obesity
    • The Skeleton Plays More Than a Supporting Role
    • Shedding LIGHT on Regulation of Lipid Metabolism
    • Metabolic Connection Found Between Brain Glucose and Liver Fat Processing
    • Metabolic Regulator May Also Be a Therapeutic Target for Degenerative Brain Diseases
  • Type 1 Diabetes TrialNet: Study Testing Oral Insulin To Prevent Type 1 Diabetes
  • People with Diabetes and Sickle Cell Trait Should Have Reliable A1C Test: Campaign Informs Physicians and Patients
  • Story of Discovery: Studies of Underlying Biology of Insulin Secretion Pave the Way to New Treatment for Neonatal Diabetes
  • Scientific Presentation: Dr. David Moore—The Intersection of Drug Metabolism and Diabetes
  • Patient Profile: Casey BurkhalterUsing Advanced Technology To Help Control Glucose Levels
  • Patient Profile: Modesta Solorzano—Gestational Diabetes Study Focuses on Hispanic Women
  • Reseña de la Paciente: Modesta Solórzano—Estudio de Diabetes Gestacional Centrado en las Mujeres Hispanas
  • The National Diabetes Education Program: It’s Never Too Early To Prevent Diabetes

Obesity (PDF, 405KB/ 12 pages)

  • Weight Reduction in Individuals with Type 2 Diabetes
    • First Year of the Look AHEAD Trial Yields Encouraging News for Patients with Type 2 Diabetes
  • Gut Bacteria and Obesity
    • New Insights on the Relationship Between Obesity and Gut Bacteria
  • Molecular Contributors to Obesity
    • A High-Fat Diet, Inflammation, and Metabolic Problems—New Insights
    • Blood Protein Warns of Hidden Belly Fat and Disease Risk
    • Extending Lifespan—Effects of Insulin Signaling and the IRS2 Protein in the Brain
    • Compound Improves Fitness and Survival in Overweight Mice
  • Determinants of Fat Formation
    • Insights into How Fat is Stored in the Body
  • Research on Gastric Bypass Surgery
    • Gastric Bypass Surgery Improves Longevity for the Severely Obese
  • New Metabolic Clinical Research Unit
  • We Can!: A National Program on Ways to Enhance Children’s Activity & Nutrition

Digestive Diseases and Nutrition (PDF, 510KB / 20 pages)

  • Genetics of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
    • Autophagy Is Implicated in Crohn’s Disease
  • Understanding Interactions Between Bacteria and the Gastrointestinal Tract
    • Of Mice, Fish, and Men—Multi-Species Studies Explore Impact of Intestinal Microbes
    • Mechanism of Enteropathogenic E. coli Infection
  • Liver Disease Research
    • Comparing Outcomes of Liver Transplantation Procedures in Patients with Hepatitis C
  • Inherited Diseases
    • Copper Availability and Menkes Disease
    • Molecular Link to Autoimmunity in Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome
  • Barrett’s Esophagus Risk Factors
    • Elucidating Risk Factors for Barrett’s Esophagus
  • National Commission on Digestive Diseases
  • Functional Dyspepsia Treatment Trial Launched
  • Story of Discovery: Advances in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Research
  • Scientific Presentation: Dr. Judy Cho—Genetics of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBD): IL23R As an IBD Susceptibility Gene
  • Patient Profile: Howard Klein—Taking Life—and Hepatitis B—By the Horns

Kidney, Urologic, and Hematologic Diseases (PDF, 473KB / 26 pages)

  • Preventing Urinary Tract Infections
    • Vaccination May Help Prevent Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections in Women
  • New Treatment for Hyperoxaluria
    • Study Offers New Hope for Patients with Primary Hyperoxaluria Type 1
  • Genetics of Kidney Disease
    • Novel Gene Implicated in Early-Onset Kidney Disease
    • Identification of New Genetic Cause of Kidney Disease
  • New Insights on the Role of Cilia in Disease
    • New Role of Cilia in Health and Disease
    • A Common Defect Links Multiple Disorders
  • Dietary Factors and the Risk of Developing Kidney Stones
    • Dietary Oxalate Is Not a Major Contributor to Kidney Stone Formation
  • Slowing Progression of Polycystic Kidney Disease
    • Targeting Cellular Pathway To Slow the Progression of Polycystic Kidney Disease
  • Novel Cause of Iron Overload in Thalassemia Disorders
    • Study Identifies Protein That Contributes to Iron Overload in Thalassemias
  • New Insights on Bladder Control in Women
  • Urologic Diseases in America
  • National Kidney Disease Education Program: New Publication Helps African Americans “Make the Kidney Connection”
  • Story of Discovery: Polycystic Kidney Disease
  • Scientific Presentation: Dr. Gary Curhan—Kidney Stones as a Systemic Disease
  • Patient Profile: Richard Gordon—Study Finds Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) in Older Men Effectively Treated with Drugs

Acknowledgments (PDF, 62KB)

    Page last updated: February 19, 2009

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    Building 31. Rm 9A06
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    Bethesda, MD 20892-2560
    For information about NIDDK programs: 301.496.3583

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