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Recovery Act: National Clean Diesel Funding Assistance Program

Putting people to work to clean the air

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act) provides $156 million in new funding for the National Clean Diesel Funding Assistance Program to support the implementation of verified and certified diesel emission reduction technologies. The Request for Applications (RFA) closed on April 28, 2009, and EPA is evaluating the applications. A separate competitive announcement for the FY 2009 National Diesel Emissions Reduction Program Appropriation funds will be issued later in 2009. Comprehensive information about the EPA's overall clean diesel program is available at National Clean Diesel Campaign.

About the Program

This Recovery Act Funding for National Clean Diesel Funding Assistance Program is a competitive grant program and funding from it must be used to achieve significant reductions in diesel emissions in terms of tons of pollution produced and diesel emissions exposure (particularly from fleets operating in areas designated by the Administrator as poor air quality areas), and the project must demonstrate the ability to maximize job preservation and creation.

Although this is a National competition, applicants must submit applications to the EPA Region in which the project will take place. Assistance agreements funded under this announcement will be evaluated and awarded by each of EPA’s ten Regional Offices.

EPA anticipates notification to the successful applicant will be made via telephone, electronic or postal mail by June 1, 2009. EPA anticipates notification to unsuccessful applicant(s) will be made via electronic or postal mail June 15, 2009.
Comprehensive information about the EPA's National Clean Diesel Funding Assistance Program is available at:

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Request for Applications

The Request For Applications (RFA) (PDF) (43 pp; 280K; April 28, 2009; About PDF) for the Recovery Act Funding for the National Clean Diesel Funding Assistance Program is now closed.

Various tools and resources are available to help you prepare an application, including tips for successful projects and previously funded projects.

Frequently Asked Questions

A document containing Frequently Asked Questions (PDF) (99 pp; 420K; April 23, 2009; Final Revision; About PDF) regarding this RFA is available.

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Information Sessions

EPA Regions have hosted question and answer sessions regarding the Request For Applications (RFA). Answers to questions posed from the regional sessions are included in the Frequently Asked Questions (PDF) (49 pp; 210K; April 8, 2009; About PDF)

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Eligible Applicants

School districts, municipalities, metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), cities and counties are all eligible entities under this assistance agreement program to the extent that they fall within the definition above.

Eligible Diesel Vehicles, Engines and Equipment

Eligible Diesel Emissions Reduction Solutions

The Recovery Act Funding for National Clean Diesel Funding Assistance Program provides funding to reduce emissions from existing diesel engines through a variety of strategies, including but not limited to:

Under this grant program, funding is restricted to the use of EPA and California Air Resources Board (CARB) verified and certified diesel emission reduction technologies.

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Project Priorities

Projects funded under the Recovery Act must reduce diesel emissions, create and/or preserve jobs, and projects must be implemented quickly.

Under EPAct 2005, priority for funding under this Request For Application will go to projects that accomplish the following:

Although this is a National competition, applications will be evaluated and awarded by the EPA Region where the project will take place. The Request For Application lists regional priorities that highlight specific environmental issues/projects/programs that are focal points with each EPA regional program.

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Application Procedures, Forms, and Timeline

The following grant application forms were required as part of the application package.

Applicants may download individual grant application forms from EPA’s Office of Grants and Debarment web site at: www.epa.gov/ogd/AppKit/application.htm.

Applicants may download an optional Project Narrative suggested format (90K, March 2009. To view this document you might need: MS Word reader Exit EPA Disclaimer) to assist in writing the narrative portion of the application package.

In addition, the application package may include an Applicant Fleet Description (XLS). (60K, April 2009. To view this spreadsheet you might need: MS Excel reader Exit EPA Disclaimer). You will find directions under the “READ ME” tab of the spreadsheet.

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Activity Date
Request for Applications March 19, 2009
Request for Application Closing Date April 28, 2009
EPA evaluations May 2009
Project review and award May/June 2009
Project implementation June 2009 to September 30, 2010

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