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Alternative Dispute Resolution/Conflict Prevention

Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) and conflict prevention strategies have been recognized by the federal government as key for facing the challenges that arise in managing public lands for multiple use in an environmentally sustainable fashion. 

Current and previous Administrations and Congresses have enacted multiple laws and policy directives that encourage or mandate the use of ADR or conflict prevention. The Bureau of Land Management recognizes that appropriate use of ADR offers a valuable alternative to costly, lengthy litigation, appeals, protests, and other traditional methods of resolving disputes.

The BLM uses ADR and conflict prevention principles and processes when engaging with a wide variety of stakeholders, including the public; tribal, state, and local governments; bureau employees; and contractors.  ADR/Conflict Prevention efforts in the BLM generally fall into one of three categories: 

The ADR/Conflict Prevention Program in the Washington Office supports these efforts by providing national policy, strategic direction, and oversight to BLM efforts in the field.

To learn more about ADR and Conflict Prevention in the BLM, use the links in the box on the right, or use our site map.  If you can't find the information you need on our website, please contact us.

ADR in cases before the IBLA

Contact the Program | ADR site map | About the Program | DOI Office of Collaborative Action & Dispute Resolution