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Message from the Village Board<\/STRONG><\/P>\n

The Village of Niles is well-known for the top-notch services provided to its residents. The Niles Village Board is always working to maintain the highest level of services for Niles residents - without adding additional tax burdens. <\/P>\n

Prior to the beginning of the 21st Century, the Board began planning for the new millennium. Vital to the continuation of high quality services are the facilities and working space for each of our key departments - Police, Fire, Public Services, Fitness, the Senior Center and the Village Hall. These facilities enable the hardworking village employees to do the best job possible. They must be able to facilitate future growth, especially in terms of rapidly changing computer technology and telecommunications advances.<\/P>\n

After determining what the Village needed and might need in the future, we built several new facilities including the Senior Center, Fitness Center, Police Station, Public Service Building and Village Hall. We are currently reviewing our needs regarding the two fire stations on the north and south ends of the Village.<\/P>\n

And, we have done all this without raising your property taxes.<\/P>\n

These new facilities will add considerably to the services we provide to the residents of Niles. Having the most modern equipment and work space ensures the effectiveness of our services while contributing to the attractiveness of our community. <\/P>\n

Providing high quality services and keeping taxes low are priorities we know we all share. Together, we look forward to continuing to make the Village of Niles the best place to live, work and raise our families.
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Welcome to the Village of Niles<\/FONT><\/P>\n

The Village of Niles is a northwest suburb of Chicago providing services and information to our residents and businesses 24 hours a day. Everything we do and stand for is summed up in our Village attitude entitled, \"Niles Pride.\" <\/P>'