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Employee Advisory Council (EAC)

AFM Employee Advisory Council Suggestion Box Status Update

The Deputy Administrator, Administrative and Financial Management (AFM) established the AFM Employee Advisory Council (EAC) to provide employees with the opportunity to address issues of their concern anonymously. There are no parameters for the type of suggestions that can be submitted.  Although we welcome your suggestions, not all of them may be put into action.  Following are the status of suggestions received from April 2008 to present.


Start or sponsor a Weight Watchers Program.



May we grant excused absence to participate in physical fitness activities?



Notified at least two weeks in advance of blood/health tests.


In progress

Place Automated External Defibrillators (AED) in the GWCC building.


DAAFM will forward request to Office of Operations.

Provide CPR classes in the GWCC building.


Under Consideration

Install more lights in the parking lot.



Post sign in Parking Lot C to direct visitors to the only entrance into GWCC.


DAAFM will forward request to Office of Operations.

When the Health Unit is closed, send email to all GWCC notifying of the status.  In addition, record a daily voice message announcing the date and hours of the Unit’s operations.


DAAFM will forward request to Office of Operations.

Others have problems with employees to be allotted so many smoke breaks.  Is it possible that the directors stress to supervisors of the importance of this issue?


The number of breaks an employee takes is at the prerogative of his/her management unit.

If it possible that someone clean the duck poop in the parking lot?


DAAFM will forward request to Office of Operations.

Suggest that more attention be brought to co-worker to co-worker rudeness.  Supervisors need to discuss this along with teamwork.  This should be a big issue, over the years this has fallen by the wayside.  Respect of each other needs to be brought to all. 


In progress.  DAAFM will convey your message to division directors and remind them of the importance of talking to employees about professional behavior, including mutual respect and the employee’s responsibility of addressing issues like this with their supervisor.

Suggest that the OIT Department relocate wires and surge protectors the computers and printers, so it is easier to turn off the computer in the evening.  Also maintenance should look into the short time on the motion-sensor lighting.


Suggestion is not clear.

Concerns with Melwood and the way the go about bathroom cleaning procedures.


Suggestion is not clear.

My suggestion is that HRD participate in a volunteer day.


Suggestion is not clear.

I suggest that a review of MSB’s high turnover rate is examined.  After the review, I suggest that changes are made to decrease the high turnover.


The HRD Leadership Team will conduct a review of workload and turnover throughout the Division.

I would like to have a climate survey for the HRD and each Branch to assess the issues and high turnover in the division.


The HRD Leadership Team will conduct a review of workload and turnover throughout the Division.

Set up a GWCC ride share board.


Under consideration

The implementation of flex time would be a great addition to the work life program.


Implemented.  Flex time has been in place for many years.  Please ask your supervisor about it.

Concern about the fact that most of the jobs in USDA only go up to one level and they are not able to receive another grade and only steps forwards.


In Federal Government agencies like USDA, grades are assigned to positions based on the complexity of the work.  If you have concerns, please talk to your supervisor.

Last updated: 04/29/2009