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Aging Research Initiative

In November, EPA will participate in a special presentation and discussion titled Recognition of Excellence in Aging Research by the U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging at an annual meeting of the Gerontological Society of America in Baltimore, MD.

The Senate committee solicited submissions from across the federal government of exemplary federally-funded research that addresses the well-being of older adults. There was particular interest in highlighting significant achievements in cross-cutting issues such as promoting inter-agency collaboration, strengthening research infrastructure, and advancing data collection efforts.

EPA's submissions will be used to inform aging policy and will be included in a committee report to be published this fall. The submissions, listed under the Agency's name, are available at the committee's web site: http://aging.senate.gov/award/award_main.cfm.

EPA’s research on aging is conducted or sponsored by the Office of Research and Development and Office of Children's Health Protection and Environmental Education.

Journal article on EPA’s research framework on aging

Other Publications on Aging Research

This is a list of selected journal articles on aging research by EPA’s Office of Research and Development.

Brown, R, Lockwood, AH, Sonawane, BR. 2005. Neurodegenerative diseases: environmental risk factors - an overview. Environ Health Perspect.113 (9):1250; 2005.

Geller, AM and Zenick, H. Aging and the Environment: A Research Framework. Environ Health Perspect., 113: 1257-1262; 2005.

Ginsburg, G, Hattis, D, Russ, A, Sonawane, B. Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic factors that can affect sensitivity to neurotoxic sequelae in the elderly. Environ Health Perspect 113 (9): 1243; 2005.

Landrigan, PJ, Sonawane, B, Butler, RN, Trasande, L, Callan, R, Droller, D. Early environmental origins of neurodegenerative disease in later life. Environ Health Perspect 113 (9): 1230; 2005.

Lee JS, Ward WO, Wolf DC, Allen JW, Mills C, DeVito MJ, Corton JC.Coordinated changes in xenobiotic metabolizing enzyme gene expression in aging male rats. Toxicol Sci 106(1): 263-283 (2008)

Li Z, Wright FA, Royland J. AGE-DEPENDENT VARIABILITY IN GENE EXPRESSION IN MALE FISCHER 344 RAT RETINA. Toxicol Sci. 2008 Oct 20. [Epub ahead of print]

Rodriguez, C. E., Mahle, D. A., Gearhart, J. M., Mattie, D. R., Lipscomb, J. C., Cook, R. S. and Barton, H. A. Predicting Age-Appropriate Pharmacokinetics of Six Volatile Organic Compounds in the Rat Utilizing Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Modeling. Toxicol. Sci. 98, 43-56; 2007.

Yokley, KA and Evans, MV. An example of Model Structure Differences Using Sensitivity Analyses in Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Models of Trichloroethylene in Humans. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, vol 69 (8): 2591-2625; 2007.

Yokley, KA and Evans, MV, 2007. Physiological changes associated with aging result in lower internal doses of toluene and perchloroethylene in simulations using pharmacokinetic modeling. Toxicology and Environmental Chemistry, DOI: http://www.informaworld.com/10.1080/02772240701594305 (This one not indexed in Medline) Exit EPA Disclaimer

US EPA 2004 Proceedings of the Aging Americans: Impacts on Ecology and Environmental Quality Workshop. EPA/600/R-05/028; 2004.

US EPA 2006. Use of Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic (PBPK) Models to Quantify the Impact of Human Age and Interindividual Differences in Physiology and Biochemistry Pertinent to Risk. EPA/600/R-06/014A

US EPA 2006. Aging and Toxic Response: Issues Relevant to Risk Assessment (Final). U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. EPA/600/P-03/004A

US EPA 2007. Summary Report of a Peer Involvement Workshop on the Development of An Exposure Factors Handbook for the Aging. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, EPA/600/R-07/061, 2007

US EPA 2008. Physiological Parameters Database for Older Adults. http://cfpub.epa.gov/ncea/cfm/recordisplay.cfm?deid=188288

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