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BLM>NEPA>Cooperating Agencies
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The cooperating agency role derives from the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA), which called on federal, state, and local governments to cooperate with the goal of achieving “productive harmony” between humans and their environment.
The Council on Environmental Quality’s regulations implementing NEPA allow federal agencies (as lead agencies) to invite tribal, state, and local governments, as well as other federal agencies, to serve as cooperating agencies in the preparation of environmental impact statements.

Over the years, the BLM has established many productive cooperating agency relationships under informal policy. Our partners have rendered invaluable assistance to the BLM during planning and managing efforts that cover more than 260 million acres of public land in our nation.
In 2005 the BLM amended its planning regulations to ensure that staffs at all levels – state office or field office – engage their governmental partners consistently and effectively through the cooperating agency relationship whenever land use plans are prepared or revised.
The BLM is the first federal agency to promulgate regulations that establish a consistent, permanent role for cooperating agencies. We believe that by working closely with our state, local, tribal and federal government partners, we will improve communication and understanding, identify common goals and objectives, and enhance the quality of our management of the public lands.
These regulations demonstrate the strong commitment to the letter and spirit of President Bush’s Executive Order on Facilitation of Cooperative Conservation, which recognizes that “local cooperation is critical to ensuring successful, effective, and long-lasting conservation results.”
On this site you will find links to the BLM’s Desk Guide to Cooperating Agency Relationships and associated documents. For further information, please contact Rob Winthrop, Planning and Science Support Group (202-785-6597), or Cynthia Moses-Nedd, Intergovernmental Affairs Group (202-452-5114), at the BLM Washington Office.