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Agricultural Research Service United States Department of Agriculture

Network Usage Policy
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United States Department of Agriculture


Research, Education and Economics

Agricultural Research Service


Thursday, February 19, 2009


This document supersedes the previous MSA Network Usage Policy dated: Dated:  August 3, 2004 and revised document dated:  March 26, 2008.





SUBJECT:        Mid South Area Network Usage Policy


FROM:             Hilda Roberts, Mid South Area

                         Information Technology Specialist

                         USDA, Agricultural Research Service


Please take time to read: ARS Policy & Procedure 253.4 .


Why certain services are not permitted on the ARS provided network?


Sharing any work related ID and/or password is prohibited because your work related ID(s) and password(s) are covered under the Privacy Act.


Streaming video or audio not related to work is not permitted because it uses large amounts of bandwidth.  Streaming video has become a huge detriment to our network.  Streaming traffic abusers may be identified and may lose network access.


Installing unauthorized software is not permitted because of the security risks.


Instant messaging, including Windows Messenger, and accessing chat rooms are not permitted because they are serious security risks.


Use of e-mail other than the Agency provided Microsoft Outlook e-mail is not permitted for security reasons. This includes ALL other e-mail systems including, but not limited to, Gmail, Yahoo mail, Hotmail, Netscape mail, and any other web-based and/or browser-based e-mail.


All peer-to-peer file sharing software including, but not limited to:  Skype (IP Telephony), Kazaa, Morpheus, Limewire, BearShare, BitTorrent or other BitTorrent clients, Mactella, etc. is strictly prohibited.  The use of P2P software is to illegally distribute copyrighted materials which may result in a case with the U.S. Attorney’s office.  "Unauthorized Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Programs on Government Computers."


The following scenario is currently one of our weakest links in protecting our systems.  To prevent viruses from spreading within the global government network, please do not use government laptops on non-government networks (like home broadband, hotels, and wireless hot spots) and subsequently connect the notebook back to the Government network wire, before meeting  the following laptop requirement.  Any laptop computer must have a full virus scan and up-to-date virus signature before it may be used on a government network.    MSA has a dial up service with a toll free number that is adequate for most business needs. 


E-Mail and Internet are to be used in accordance with ARS policy 253.4. Do not use them for entering contests, obtaining free goods, gaming, or for anything that could be construed as personal gain. Read and understand privacy policies before putting your e-mail address in the hands of potential spammers. Inordinate amounts of non business e- mail may result in having your Internet e-mail address changed or restricted.


Because of security reasons, the use of modems in computers attached to the network and unauthorized wireless access points are not allowed. Modems can be exploited by hackers to bypass our network perimeter. 


It is our policy to contact the user's supervisor when ARS Internet policy is abused. Actions for non-compliance of Internet policy may result in termination of network access.


We are willing to discuss these policies and make reasonable accommodation if you have a business reason that requires use of any service(s) that is not authorized or that is not permitted.





Mr. Dan Deprey, World Outlook Board and Weather Service

Mr. Mike Rackley, Mississippi State University

Mr. Bliss Bailey, Auburn University

Dr. Kathryn Gates, University of Mississippi





Mid South Area Director’s Office

Jamie Whitten Delta States Research Center, Experiment Station Road

P.O. Box 225, Stoneville, Mississippi 38776

Voice: 662 686-5306 l FAX: 662 686-5373 l E‑mail: hilda.roberts@ars.usda.gov 









Last Modified: 02/24/2009