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Agricultural Research Service United States Department of Agriculture
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Jeremy J James
Burns, Oregon
Plant Physiologist

Phone: (541) 573-8911
Fax: (541) 573-3042
67826-A, HWY 205
BURNS, OR, 97720

Rangeland Restoration and Management
Appropriated (D)
  Accession Number: 412912

Microsite and Herbaceous Vegetation Heterogeneity after Burning Artemisia Tridentata Steppe - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Environmental Stress and Genetics Influence Nighttime Leaf Conductance in the C4 Grass Distichlis Spicata - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Root Plasticity of Native and Invasive Great Basin Species in Response to Soil Nitrogen Heterogeneity - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
James, J.J., Mangold, J.M., Sheley, R.L., Svejcar, A.J. 2008. Root Plasticity of Native and Invasive Great Basin Species in Response to Soil Nitrogen Heterogeneity. Journal Of Plant Ecology.
Leaf Nitrogen Productivity As a Mechanism Driving the Success of Invasive Annual Grasses under Low and High Nitrogen Supply - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
James, J.J. 2008. Leaf nitrogen productivity as a mechanism driving the success of invasive annual grasses under low and high nitrogen supply. Journal of Arid Environments. 72:1775-1784.
Effect of Soil Nitrogen Stress on the Relative Growth Rate of Annual and Perennial Grasses in the Intermountain West - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
James, J.J. 2008. Effect of soil nitrogen stress on the relative growth rate of annual and perennial grasses in the intermountain west. Plant and Soil Journal. 310:201-210.
Variation in Resource Acqisition and Utilization Traits Between Native and Invasive Perennial Forbs - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Drenovsky, R., Martin, C., Falasco, M., James, J.J. 2008. Variation in resource acqisition and utilization traits between native and invasive perennial forbs. American Journal of Botany.95(6):681-687.
Linking Nitrogen Partitioning and Species Abundance to Invasion Resistance in the Great Basin - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
James, J.J., Davies, K.W., Sheley, R.L., Aanderud, Z.T. 2008. Linking nitrogen partitioning and species abundance to invasion resistance in the great basin. Oecologia. 156:637-648.
Does hydraulic lift or nighttime transpiration facilitate nitrogen acquistion? - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Snyder, K.A., James, J.J., Richards, J.H., Donovan, L.A. 2008. Does hydraulic lift or nighttime transpiration facilitate nitrogen acquistion?. Plant and Soil Journal. 306:159-166.
Presence of soil surface depressions increases water uptake by native grass seeds. - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Mangold, J.M., James, J.J., Sheley, R.L. 2007. Presence of soil surface depressions increases water uptake by native grass seeds.. Ecological Restoration. 25(4):278-279
A Basis for Relative Growth Rate Differences Between Native and Invasive Forbs - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
James, J.J., Drenovsky, R.E. 2007. A basis for relative growth rate differences between native and invasive forbs. Rangeland Ecology and Management 60(4):1-7.
Influence of temporal heterogeneity in nitrogen supply on competitive interactions in a desert shrub community. - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
James, J.J., Richards, J. 2007. Influence of temporal heterogeneity in nitrogen supply on competitive interactions in a desert shrub community. Oecologia 152:721-727.
Influence of Plant Functional Removal on Inorganic Soil Nitrogen Concentrations in Native Grasslands - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Davies, K.W., Pokorny, M.L., Sheley, R.L., James, J.J. 2007. Influence of plant functional removal on inorganic soil nitrogen concentrations in native grasslands. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 60(3):304-310.
The Potential for Resource-Based Niches to Contribute to Invasion Resistance in a Semi-Arid Plant Community - (Abstract)
James, J.J., Davies, K.W., Aanderud, Z.T., Sheley, R.L. 2007. The potential for resource-based niches to contributed to invasion resistance in a semi-arid plant community [abstract]. Society for Range Management. Paper No. 213.
Precipitation Timing Alters Soil C Storage in a Great Basin Shrub-Steppe Ecosystem - (Abstract)
Aanerud, Z., James, J.J., Svejcar, A.J. 2007. Precipitation timing alters soil c storage in a great basin shrub-steppe ecosystem [abstract]. Society for Range Management Meeting. Paper No.1
Seasonal Timing of N Pulses Influences N Capture in a Saltbush Scrub Community - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
James, J.J., Aanderud, Z.T., Richards, J.H. 2006. Seasonal Timing of N Pulses Influences N Capture in a Saltbush Scrub Community. Journal of Arid Environments. 67(2006):688-700.
Nitrogen Capture by Native and Invasive Great Basin Species: the Role of Root Plasticity - (Abstract)
James, J.J., Mangold, J.M., Sheley, R.L., Svejcar, A.J. 2006. Nitrogen capture by native and invasive great basin species: The role of root plasticity [abstract]. Society for Range Management Meeting Proceedings. Paper No. 190.
Influence of Resource Pulses and Perennial Neighbors on the Establishment of An Invasive Annual Grass in the Mojave Desert - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
James, J.J., Caird, M.A., Drenovsky, R.E., Sheley, R.L. 2006. Influence of resource pulses and perennial neighbors on the establishment of an invasive annual grass in the mojave desert. Journal of Arid Environments. 67:528-534.
Plant N Capture in Pulse Driven Systems: Interactions Between Root Responses and Soil Processes - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
James, J.J., Richards, J.H. 2006. Plant n capture in pulse driven systems: interactions between root responses and soil processes. Journal of Ecology. 94:765-777.
High Apoplastic Solute Concentrations in Leaves Alter Water Relations of the Halophytic Shrub, Sarcobatus Vermiculatus - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
James, J.J., Alder, N.N., Muhling, K.H., Lauchli, A.E., Shackel, L.A., Donovan, L.A., Richards, J.H. 2005. High apoplastic solute concentrations in leaves alter water relations of the halophytic shrub, sarcobatus vermiculatus. Journal of Experimental Botany. 57(1):139-147.
Congeneric Serpentine and Nonserpentine Shrubs Differ More in Leaf Ca:mg Than in Tolerance of Low N, Low P, Or Heavy Metals - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
O'Dell, R.E., James, J.J., Richards, J.A. 2006. Congeneric serpentine and nonserpentine shrubs differ more in leaf ca:mg than in tolerance of low n, low p, or heavy metals. Plant and Soil Journal. 280:49-64.
Seasonal Timing of N Pulses Alters Competitive Interactions in a Desert Shrub Community - (Abstract)
James, J.J. 2005. Seasonal timing of n pulses alters competitive interactions in a desert shrub community [abstract]. Ecological Society of America Bulletin. Paper No. 303.
Environmental and Genetic Variation Influence Nighttime Transpiration in the C4 Grass Distichlis Spicata - (Abstract)
James, J.J. 2005. Environmental and generic variation influence nighttime transpiration in the C4 grass distichlis spicata [abstract]. Ecological Society of America Bulletin. Paper No. 164-165.
Nighttime Transpiration and Nutrient Acquisition: Is There a Benefit of Losing Water at Night? - (Abstract)
James, J.J. 2005. Nighttime transpiration and nutrient acquisition: Is there a benefit of losing water at night [abstract]? Ecological Society of America Bulletin. Paper No. 93.
High Apoplastic Solute Concentrations in Leaves Alter Water Relations of the Halophytic Shrub Sarcobatus Vermiculatus - (Abstract)
Richards, J.H., James, J.J., Alder, N.N., Muhling, K.H., Laeuchli, A.E., Donovan, L.A. 2005. High apoplastic solute concentrations in leaves alter water relations of the halophytic shrub sarcobatus vermiculatus [abstract]. International Botanical Congress. Paper No. P1878.

Last Modified: 05/06/2009
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