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Title:  Assisting Students Struggling with Mathematics: Response to Intervention (RtI) for Elementary and Middle Schools
Description: Assisting Students Struggling with Mathematics: Response to Intervention (RtI) for Elementary and Middle Schools Taking early action may be key to helping students struggling with mathematics. The eight recommendations in this guide are designed to help teachers, principals, and administrators use Response to Intervention for the early detection, prevention, and support of students struggling with mathematics.
Online Availability:
Cover Date: April 2009
Web Release: April 21, 2009
Publication #: WWC 20094060
Center/Program: WWC
Associated Centers: NCEE
Authors: Russell Gersten, Instructional Research Group; Sybilla Beckmann, University of Georgia; Benjamin Clarke, Instructional Research Group; Anne Foegen, Iowa State University; Laurel Marsh, Howard County Public School System; Jon R. Star, Harvard University; Bradley Witzel, Winthrop University; Joseph Dimino, Madhavi Jayanthi, and Rebecca Newman-Gonchar: Instructional Research Group; Shannon Monahan and Libby Scott: Mathematica Policy Research.
Type of Product: Practice Guide
Questions: For questions about the content of this Practice Guide, please contact:
Susan Sanchez.
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